Humans are born to serve a purpose on this planet. Purpose of life is the sole motivation factor in your life. Once you wake up in the morning, you are there to serve your purpose . Now what is our life purpose? Life purpose is different for each people on this planet and that’s the beauty of it. Purpose gives a true meaning of life.
For example, a person waking up in the morning , having breakfast and again going back to sleep is having no purpose. Soon he/she will feel the boredom of this recurring lifestyle. That’s why purpose comes in picture. Some people see their life purpose in their dreams – as a sign to fulfil their dream goals in life. It doesn’t necessarily has to be dream, it can be some basic questions or mind blowing questions you ask yourself to rethink about life.
Remember these questions/signs won’t pop in your mind in your early years. These questions can come to your mind in either at your teen years, as an adult or even at old age. The moment these questions come to your mind, you act more mature and more responsible in life. Your parents can never define your purpose. It will be call from your inner soul. Some questions that frequently pops in our mind are as follows.
What exactly am I doing in life ?
Am I really happy?
Have I achieved everything in life ?
The above questions therefore are clear indications or awakening of one’s soul to seek the purpose of the life. Till the time you get the call from your heart , you may lead the same monotonous and boring life, maybe exciting or maybe simple. But once your heart knocks your soul with these questions, you must prepare yourself to find your life purpose. Everyone of us has life purpose but they are unique.
The questions related to life purpose come in different phases of life especially during adverse circumstances. Generally when there is sudden change in someone’s life. The change can be as a result of following transient phase.
- job change
- divorce
- higher education
- disease
- miscarriage
- marriage
- loss of near and dear ones
- travelling abroad
- break ups
- natural calamity
When life pushes you to the corner in a pulverising state, you are bound to find the true purpose. People most of the times understand their true worth and potential to succeed in times of distress.
People most of the times understand their true purpose and potential to succeed in times of distress. Share on XI am listing down the following points that can help you find your true purpose of life .
#1 Having repetitive dreams
At any point of your life, you felt that you had an unfulfilled dream which seemed unrealistic initially. But when you got a call from your heart , you are set to achieve that dream, no matter how long it can take. Thus life purpose can instil you the vision and now you are on a mission to achieve. You didn’t have the initial thrust to push yourself to achieve that dream earlier. Now that you felt the same dream kept coming back, you need to understand that it is your karma and you need to conquer your dream.
#2 Never Satisfied with current job role
It is often seen you are never satisfied at work place since day one .You are doing great work, appreciated for your diligence but there is sense of dissatisfaction within you which kept your mind and health in turmoil . When this happens for quite sometime, you got to ask yourself the reason behind your dissatisfaction? Did you intend to work till retirement ? Was this your childhood dream ? The moment you have this questions popping vociferously on your mind , you will understand your purpose of life . Without wasting any time, you will put all the efforts to achieve your self purpose.
It can be working in same job in a more diligent manner or quit and move on to next big opportunity. Your inner soul will answer you.

#3 Inspiration becomes desperation
When you are inspired by someone, you want to be in the same boat as they are . Then the inspiration becomes so obsessive , you become desperate to achieve the stardom as your favourite celebrity. Then you put that humongous effort to be one of a kind.
#4 Explore your innate talent
This is core of identifying your life purpose. Every person is born with certain purpose but true successful people identify their innate talent and turn their talent into profession. The successful person can be anyone – businessman, painter,artist,monk, philosopher, teacher , entertainer etc . This is the real sign of finding your life purpose.
#5 Make it happen
Only you can assure yourself that you are go to achieve your true purpose. Everyone gets the awakening call from inner soul at some point of time to do something extraordinary for himself, try to make name and fame but few finally make it. Strong willed persons make it happen as they value their purpose in life by regaining thier self worth/confidence.
One important point , not every one can find their true life purpose, even if they get the call from their heart . The reason is that a person gets satiated in life once he/she becomes old and when they get awakening call , he/she won’t move ahead. That makes the difference between the successful ones achieving purpose of life and the ones who could not make it.
At thirty-one, I’m definitely wondering what is the purpose of my life and what am I doing with it. Still hanging there without really trying to find out the answers. Thanks for sharing the beautiful post,
Glad you liked the post. We all go through these phase still wondering the purpose of life.
I totally agree with you Jamie, such a great post. It’s sad how many people don’t focus or even think what is the purpose of their life or believe that they don’t have any talent.
You’ve done a great work Jamie inspiring others, I hope more people would think like you!
Glad to know you liked the article Chris. Thank you for the generous comment.
Great article, making the most of your life, I believe, brings the most happiness.
Exactly Natalie. Glad you liked this article.
Great post! Took me many years to recognize my purpose and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to move in that direction, even in small ways.
I apprecaite this post. It’s so true that our inner hearts call is always going to be connected to our specific gifts or talents.
Our purpose can manifest itself in different ways over our lifetime. We need to be open to the possibilities.
Thanks again for this post!
Very well said Amy. Thank you for stopping by.
We are all a work in progress!
Yes ,we are indeed a work in progress.
Beautiful post! It’s important to take time to reflect on the bigger life questions. Great read! Melissa
Thank you Melissa. Glad you liked the post.
Great post! I got my awaking call a few years back when I had a burn-out. So grateful for that.
J have literally just had a career overhaul… everything that I worked for my degree etc out the window in search of something better!
Lola Mia x
Sometimes I feel like people can become too focused on having a ‘purpose’ and they forget to enjoy life as it is happening. Great post.
That’s a valid point Charlotte.Glad you liked the article.
I’m glad that we can always find our way back when we face roadblocks on this journey. I’m also grateful for some of the things that blocked my way at times because I still think detours are important. Thanks for sharing.
This is definitely a thought provoking post! Thanks for sharing it!
Thank you for stopping by Kristin.
These are really great tips in knowing what anyone’s life purpose would be. Thanks a lot for sharing!
very true post, i think at some point in our lives we wonder why we are here and what our purpose is. Always best to make the most of it!
Great tips for finding out what your life purpose is. I’m currently on this journey and I will be applying these to my life!
You led off with a key question Jamie; folks need to ask themselves what they are doing in life, and, be honest in answering. The straight answer can free you from a life you currently dislike. Fab post.
Glad you liked the article Ryan. Thank you for stopping by.
I’m happy to say I’ve found my purpose in life 🙂 And it’s quite simple: the whole point is to live a life worth living. Most people, who are at their death bed, lament the life they wanted to have but never did. I don’t want to be one of them, and if tomorrow was my last day I’d know that my life has definitely been worth living! My life is an extraordinary adventure, a unique, brilliant experience that nobody has ever had, or will ever have. Because it’s MY life <3
That’s great Teresa and very well said.
Honesty is so important! So many people never really answer all these important questions about themselves until it’s too late! Great post!
A very important subject, and one which I think holds the key to true happiness. Some people seem to know from an early age what their purpose is – as though they are ‘called’ to it somehow, a vocation (like those who go into the medical profession or religious life). Others among us are less clear, and it can be quite difficult to establish what our purpose is. One helpful question might be ‘How can I best serve the world?’ This calls to mind our talents and skills as well as our preferences. Great post, thanks for sharing.
I think it’s great that you encourage people to go in search of things that make them happy, to find their purpose. Without having something to live for we become unhealthy and lost. We should always strive to find our best self!
Appreciate your comment Tiffany. Glad you found this post useful.
This is a very interesting post and I have often pondered about that big question as well. My opinions change on this and what I think now will probably not match how I’d answer this question in 10 years. But in my opinion, there is no purpose to life. Hear me out, in the grand scheme of things humanity, life on this planet is nothing but a blip. There is no meaning, no higher purpose, no great force It’s all chemistry, physics and one big happy accident. So many factors had to be right in order for us to be born and you know what, there is no logic or reason to it. It just is. So I guess the purpose of life is to be lived. Make the most of your time on this earth, love and be loved, have fun, do what makes you happy and don’t be an asshole. That’s it.
Appreciate your thoughts Didi. Thank you for stopping by.
Great article! I went through a complete change of direction in my life last year, I’m still figuring it out but I know i’ll eventually get to where I need to be. Thank you for sharing this.
“Inspiration becomes desperation” – this resonated with me. When I started blogging, I meant for it to be a journal. But now, it feels like it’s become my life purpose to help people through blogging. I actually love it 🙂
Great read and article, thank you