Every one of us wants to lead a happy and peaceful life. But few are able to do so. In life, there are certain truths from which we cannot hide. We need to simply accept those as a facts and move on. That’s the best way to deal with these so called bitter truths/facts of life which are unavoidable in major circumstances of life. Let’s list down those below.
#1 Depression

It is an undeniable fact that a large number of people, approximately 300 million people, around the world suffers from depression according to World Health Organization. Even the rich suffer from depression A depression result from sadness, losing interest on something due to numerous reasons and it’s a serious health condition. It can happen to anyone at any phase of life. The best way to fight depression is to visit a nearby physician or a consultant. Also encourage people to discuss about it with your near and dear ones that can help them overcome depression. You have seen many celebrities who fought depression bravely and can take inspiration from them and also from people around you, who have faced and successfully overcome depression.
#2 Bad stuffs are circulated more
The social media has become an inappropriate place nowadays. We see bad stuff, bad contents, controversial stuffs, bad videos are circulated more. There is so much negativity, pessimism, crimes everywhere. If we want to have a perfect world, human behavior needs to change. We see lots of nonsense videos shared over and over in social media and people are trying to gain short term fame like that. Whereas real artists with great content and talent are neglected. Amazing authors that pen down masterpiece, stellar scientists contributing to mankind in every positive way are struggling to gain recognition as their works are hardly recognized..
#3 Talented people working under an idiotic boss

This is sometimes seen in the corporate world where a talented employee is often made to work relentlessly day and night by his/her crazy boss who doesn’t know anything but only expecting work from his subordinates. It might be seen the boss may be less skilled or have low problem solving skills than his subordinates and most of the time the subordinates manage and deliver the entire tasks all alone. In short, let me say something even if you are math expert, having strong knowledge in algebra, trigonometry, and calculus and have great analytical skills, you may work under a person who sometimes takes the help of calculator to calculate addition of two single digit integers. That’s ridiculous and one of the bitter truths of life.
#4 Early 20s is the best phase of life

Who doesn’t agree here? Early 20s is probably the best phase of life. Early twenties, students generally graduate from college with big dreams in their eyes. After having a wonderful college life with quality education and amazing friends, you are set to take on a job or business in quest of financial independence. This is also challenging and at the same time motivating as you have all the time and youth to make your dreams come true. But after moving on your 30s, we learn from experience as an individual in life and work. We mentally and physically get drained thinking that if we could run back into a time machine to change our past to have a better present and future.
That is not possible. Age cannot deter the determination of any focused individual who is ready to achieve new feathers in his/her cap. Even though, age is just a number for determined person, still we need to respect our biological health and vigor which often declines in course of time and not everyone has the same energy and determination as one used to have early 20s compared to thirties and moving forward.
#5 Fake friends around you is one of the bitter truths in Life
Never think you are surrounded by wonderful friends who are so caring. Don’t get fooled my dear readers, I am pretty sure you have come across with lot of great friends initially but in course of time you found they are no friend of yours. They are just there to show off their self centered side. There are many kinds of fake friends – some show off their lavish life style, some needs your help but once you assist them in their time of need, they will flee away from you without thanking you.
Some friends are also present who can exploit you financially and these are probably the most cunning ones. There are great friends out there but to identify the fake ones is hell of a task and you can only identify once you had any of the bitter experience mentioned above. I am pretty sure we all have met some fake friends in our lifetime.
#6 Successful people have seen more failures than you is one of the bitter truths of life
Everyone wishes to be successful and we try to take inspiration from those successful people. Hardly we see or acknowledge the fact the successful people have faced more pain than failures than we can imagine. We get mesmerized by their fame, fortune, and lavish lifestyles and we wish to have the same success and name. But are you ready to put that humongous effort and see multiple failures and finally become successful some day? ‘Cause without pain, there is no gain and that’s a harsh and bitter truth.
#7 Some people are never fortunate enough to be married or have boyfriend/girlfriend
This may sound weird to most of you. But believe me there are lots of people in the world who maintain solitary life. They may never have dated or married. They may have suffered from relationships or they may never had any relationship or it can be any random reason. This is a fact not every person is fortunate to find their life partner in their entire life. Living a solitary life is always painful but as long the person is busy in his work, aspiration and having mental happiness, then it is absolutely fine.
#8 People’s Expectations are never satiated

Every person in this world wants something in life. Even if he/she has everything, he/she will strive hard till the end of time to attain his/her expectations and desires. This is the reality of life. Expectation and desires can be both virtue and vice which are embedded in the brain cells since the inception of human civilization and this is one of the bitter truths which you can’t deny. People need to set realistic expectations and work on achieving it. Staying happy with basic needs should be the prime goal of every person.
Once the basic needs are achieved, you can always move on to the next level of achieving bigger goals. But that doesn’t mean you will set unrealistic goals/expectations. Pushing yourself hard in attaining goal is one thing but blindly expecting to rationalize or fulfill unrealistic target is a foolish thing to do. So expectations should always be set in a sagacious way.
#9 Accepting failure/criticism is always tough
One of the bitter truths about is that every individual wants to be successful in life but it is always difficult to digest criticism and failure. We are literally programmed not to accept any fault of ours and it’s in our innate nature. We fail in task or any activity due to many reasons- it can be lack of talent, some unavoidable situations that is not related to your skills or talent. You may be skillful, better than your peers but still couldn’t see the success. Whatever be the reason, you need to accept the failure or criticism and move on. There is always a choice in life and that’s the beauty of it. If you fail at something, there is something else where you can excel more. Only thing is that you have to keep trying to find that activity or task where you can be successful.
#10 God helps those who help themselves
Even if you are an atheist or agnostic, there will be certain situations in life where you need assistance or cooperation of any sorts at any point of time. There is no guarantee that you will be getting the required help/support from someone at that point of time. That time you will realize that in this world, nobody can help yourself unless you start helping yourself. If you want to stay happy, never expect anything from anyone. In life, it often happens; you provide a helping hand to someone. It can be your friends, relatives, colleagues or anyone. You help them silently and expect the same cooperation in your time of need.
There is no shame in asking for assistance. But in the last moment, they just neglect you. Who is to be blamed? You or them? Obviously you. You need to be a self believer in your task and work without expecting assistance from anyone. There will always be challenges where you definitely need assistance but if you sustain that tough phase without any cooperation from your friends, you can overcome any task successfully.
I guess you all can resonate with the points mentioned above related to harsh truths of life . Life is a journey and you must be ready to enjoy every phase of life – happiness and hardships will come along side by side. That’s the way life is all about.
I have to say… I hadn’t considered most of these as bitter truths… but in a way, I guess that they are…
For me… the bitter truth that I wish I knew then what I know now… all … the… tme…
So depressing, but all true!
Thank you Marie for stopping by.
I truly like #9. It is really tough to accept failure/criticism. But one thing I learned over the years is that failure is part of life but how you handle failure is one thing.
Well said Tammy and thank you for stopping by.
I’d agree with most of these, except for the part about being in your 20s. Yes, you’re at your prime but a lot of people say they’re much happier in their 30s and 40s
Ash | https://thisdreamsalive.com
Appreciate your point. People can be happier at any age. Definitely 20s is phase of aspiration,dreams but aspiration can be fulfilled in later stages of life.
These are such facts of life – and a very refreshing post to read for sure. It might be unusual to say, but one of the worst on here for me is when super talented people work under an idiotic boss. I have had a few jobs, both regular and creative, where this has been the case and it literally made me jump into freelancing a little before I was ready – I could not stand it!
Thank you Ellie for stopping by. That’s upsetting when you see talented people working under idiotic boss. Happy to know that you are into freelancing.
This is such a good post. Lots to think about and so true.
Fascinating post. I’d agree with you except on no 4, which will vary from person to person. Also that they are ‘bitter’ – which implies that they’re always bad. Clearly some of these things – depression for example – can’t exactly be described as good. But I do believe that we have a lot more power than we think; we have choices that we can make (eg to continue working with the idiot boss or not) and we don’t always have to fulfil the expectations of society, family, culture (marriage, partnerships). We can let friendships go when their time is over and the original connection passes, such as being in the same school or workplace or whatever. “If you don’t like your circumstances, make new circumstances. If you can’t change your circumstances, change your attitude” (Eugenie Prime).
I absolutely agree on your points. We have choices in life and we have more power than we think. Very well said Carole and thank you for stopping by.
So so true. Especially #7. So many women stay in bad relationships to satisfy others.
I have to disagree with #4. Looking back I see how hard the early 20s were. So much adjustment! When I was in school I remember someone referred to as the gathering years. They were exciting, but so challenging!
It depends on person to person related to #4. Some one might agree on #4, some disagree. Thank you for stopping by and appreciate your comment Cassie.
#7 is one that I have recently come to grips with and I feel like I’m going to be okay, especially since my most recent relationships have been so bad
This is very depressing but true 🙁