Is there any sure shot tips to conquer fear? This is like lifting a mountain to most of us. Fear is that mental attribute which is present within us consciously or subconsciously since birth. Fears can be of many types as we all know viz – fear of animals, fear of insects, fear of germs, claustrophobic fear, xenophobic, fear of open space , fear of heights to name a few. But how do we overcome them ? Fear has gripped all of us at every sphere of life. The below mentioned steps will help you conquer your fear.
#1 Empower your mind
As we know, fear is a state of mind emanating from anxiety and frustration, you need to power your mind by doing physical activities. We spent hours in computer, laptop, mobiles forgetting to relax our mind, body and soul. We are not eternal robots and we definitely bogged down after a monotonous task. Tame your mind ,do yoga/exercise and running. You need to do yoga and running activities to calm your inner state mind and keep yourself mentally active.
#2 Believe in yourself
Most of the times , we lack self confidence in achieving our goal. We feel the world is so competitive and we are running behind our peers. This creates pessimism in your approach and this abstract state of mind i.e. fear chokes us. The only big solution is we need to believe in ourselves that we are better than our peers in any field of work we are doing and can restore our self confidence/ self esteem .
#3 Face your fear

This is probably the toughest thing to execute when we are scared and life is at doldrums. You need to face your fear whatever challenges, apprehensions coming down your way coz if you are aplomb in facing your fear, you will find success ,the biggest foe of fear.
#4 Don’t Act Impulsively
Never be impulsive in making decisions at your workplace or any activity . Always put dedicated amount of time and energy to come to a decision or conclusion, never let this characteristic trait trap you. Thats the difference between proactiveness and impulsiveness. Proactiveness will help you identify your weakness and fear and come to a successful holistic solution where as impulsiveness will only give bad results increasing your fear and failure.
#5 Avoid silly stuffs to avoid fear
It is often seen among friends that they tend to play truth and dare games which are meaningless. Never fall in trap of these nonsense games to prove your mettle. You don’t need to play these games. They may say you are scared to play and mock you. Just duck these things from your head as these are fake friends of yours. If he/she is a genuine friend, then they would not have played such nonsense stuff. with you Never participate in these silly games to prove your mettle/authority.
#6 It’s okay to fail sometime:
Acceptance of failure is the biggest fear which torments every individual. We fear to fail in any exam, event or any activity. You might prepare well but there can be any unavoidable circumstances leading you to failure which is beyond your control. Don’t stress on the fact that you have to be successful on whatever venture you undertake. It is absolutely fine to fail sometimes in life. You cannot learn any lesson unless you face failure. But that doesn’t mean you make failure a habit. Learn from failure and move on and never repeat the same mistakes.
#7 No body is perfect:
Remember no one is perfect in this world. Everyone has some fear in life – it can be any thing, staying alone , fear of heights, claustrophobia and many more. The list goes endless. Thus in order to be perfect , you fear that your dream won’t come true. One cannot be perfect. Only we can improve our life for better, change our bad habit into good ones. If we are able to do these in our lifetime, we can proudly say we have done something in life worth mentioning. It does not need to be perfect.
#8 Don’t follow your Peers/ friends:
It is quite easy to get carried away on what your friends are doing or what they have achieved in life. You try to emulate those and you fear of failure in achieving those goals. Remember your friends’ goals may not be necessary your goals. True passion and love for work only happens only when the individual dreams of soemthing and achieving that goal without any second thoughts. His powerful beliefs of success wil set him apart from his friends. These thoughts will help him eradicate fear from his mind.
#9 Change goals:

Goals are motivation factor of any person . We all have life goals to achieve and biggest goals to achieve the success goal. But very few percent of people actually achieve the goal. That doesn’t mean rest are incapable or worthless. Every individual is born with unique talents and the tough as well as the most beautiful part is to find and explore the unique innate talent within you to stay in the right path of success.
We fear to achieve the success goal and give up in first go. But even if we keep trying to achieve the same goal, we might fail. Then you need to realize that the goal you have set is not meant for you and you should not be disheartened and there are choices in life and this is not the end.You set a new goal and keep trying . That’s a long term process but defintely some day you will come with flying colors. You can conquer your greatest fear in this way.
#10 Take inspirations to Conquer Fear:
Everyone has a role model to succeed in life. You must study books, articles related to the great personalities who has faced hardships, conquered fears to be the best in their respective industries. If you wish to be big imminent personality someday, you need to know about them through their books, news and believe in yourself that you can also become numero uno someday in a specific field. Even if we may have talent – hardworking or god gifted, we should look up to the successful people around us to keep us in the right path and succeed in life.
#11 Seek Councelling –
If you scared or fearful for unknown reasons, you should consult with your guru, mentor or parents or your best friends. In short, don’t face the fear if you are not confident. Always talk to your near and dear ones and don’t be shy to visit nearby doctor/physicist for counselling if you find it very difficult to face the fear alone.
#12 Dream Big

Dream big and aspire to make your dream come true. When you dream big, you will strive for it. Hence your indomitable thirst to achieve your goal will kill all your fears and overcome all the struggles within you. Eventually you will be winner and you will conquer fear.
Conclusion :
One last thing before concluding , fear is a temporary phenomenon and definitely we can overcome if we follow the above points and last thing to conquer fear, be cheerful and feel confident at whatever thing you pursue at any point of time. It would be nice if you share your thoughts on this.
I think being calm and feeling at ease is a big thing too. I’m finding meditating is really helping with that.
Julia // The Sunday Mode</a
That’s a good point Julia. Yoga,meditation are really helpful.
I love pushing myself out of my comfort zone every once in a while! I should do it more often. Life is not worth living if you are controlled by your fears!
Well said Chelsea. Thank you for stopping by.
Some very helpful advice, thank you for sharing!
Great info!
Changing goals and being flexible as new things come along (good or bad) is such a useful skill to hone over time and experience. I’ve certainly found that helps me reduce fear with regards to coping with new or unexpected situations.
Well defined .
some great tips over here!
Thank you Esmee.
These are really good points. I think it’s so important to recognise that there will be some failure and to accept that and move on. We are not perfect as you so rightly said. Thanks for sharing.