We all go through stress during tough and crisis times in our lives. We will discuss here on how to deal with stress in tough situations whether at workplace or at home. Stress could be short term or long term. Suppose you suddenly get a call from your boss asking you to submit an assignment within a couple of hours or a long term tough project, which you are part of and it’s keeping you busy for months and you want to complete the project as soon as you can. Let’s discuss some of the tips to help you reduce stress from daily life and work.
#1 Learn the art of saying ‘No’
We always put so much effort to make everyone around us happy. We live in an environment where we constantly focus on our social status. Thus in order to be in liked in our friend circle, we tend to accept any thing or any task we don’t always wish to be part of. It’s very common that you may dislike some activity or some sudden plan of travel to somewhere. You politely say no to their proposal and if they are your true friends, they will definitely understand your predicament.
Thus you need to remove unnecessary stress from your personal and social life.
The same is applicable in your professional life as well but here you have to gently and politely say that you are busy in some task at the moment. You can always ask them they can come back to you later for any question once you are done with your current task. Learn to use polite phrases instead of directly saying no to your colleagues. You can say the following phrases.
- “I am sorry as I am currently busy in a task that needs to be completed soon.”
- “Once I am done with my current activity, I will get back to you.”
- “I am in the middle of some urgent task. I’ll get back once I’m done with it.”
These statements show you are occupied at work and due to low bandwidth, you are unable to talk/listen to your colleagues at the moment. Thus learn to say to no without having the fear of missed opportunity or rejection at workplace or anywhere. If you are talented candidate, you will shine anywhere. Have faith on yourself and your abilities.

#2 Get Enough Sleep to remove stress
How many hours of sleep do you have everyday? I can tell very few of us sleep for 6-8 hours which is the minimum sleep required for an adult individual. Lacking good amount of sleep increases stress and to reduce stress you got to hit the bed early. Stop playing video games and watching late night movies.
Stop doing any challenging work or exercise several hours before going to bed. This is because we need to give our brain some time to relax before hitting the bed. After completing the day’s work, take a shower and read a book and until you feel tired. This enables you to get a good sound sleep. Try to go to bed the same time every day so that your mind and body get used to your biological clock.
#3 Take deep breath slowly

Take deep breaths when you feel stressed. Taking deep breaths enables the oxygen to get into the brain which helps us to think clearly. It removes confusions and enriches our thought process and that is so important to process our thoughts in our busy work life.
#4 Communicate with everyone around
Reach out to others if you feel worried and need support or assistance. If you are stressed and facing difficulty in completing certain task, then you must let your manager or your team should know about it. There is no shame in asking for support and it is always better for them to know your problem or difficulty sooner and not at the last moment of task submission. They can have time to discuss about the task and come up with immediate solution . You must always talk to friends, parents in times of crisis and they are the best ones who can offer you support. However if no one is available, never hesitate to reach out for free support help line.
#5 Stay positive
Staying positive is a key to reduce stress from our lives. Positivity can be built by doing regular exercises. How many working people do exercises regularly? I guess few people. Most of the people put lame excuses of not going for exercise which sounds hilarious. If you want to stay fit and stress free, why don’t you exercise? If you want to work long hours in office, you need to do regular exercises. Exercise is one of the best ways to stay fit. You don’t need to visit gym or any park to do exercise, just do simple exercises that can be done at home and that is fine enough to keep you fit.
#5 Stay organized and uncluttered
Keep your office workspace clean. This also reduce stress level to greater extent. Don’t wait for the janitor to come and clean your workstation. You must take care of the cleanliness of your workstation. Clean your place and stay organized and cleanliness boosts the focus at work.
#6 Take healthy foods

Healthy diets are indispensable requirement to keep your mind and body going. Healthy food habits is must to beat tension and stay healthy. Take lots of green vegetables, and drink fruit juice and lots of water. It is often seen people not only neglect taking good food, but also taking junk foods during wrong time of the day. Taking breakfast in the morning , lunch in the afternoon and dinner at night are must. Neglecting any of these parameters will violate the body metabolism.
#7 Avoid bad habits to remove stress
Quit bad habits such as drinking and smoking. Smoking is harmful and everyone is aware of it. Drinking sometimes may feel like relieving stress after hectic work schedule. But having more than an optimal amount can often lead to hangover next day hampering your day’s work and productivity. Thus drinking and smoking is never a solution to be productive. Avoid bad habits and stay away from smoking and drinking,
#8 Listen to music

Try to listen to some music even if you are busy in life. Music is a stress reliever and keep some of favorite tracks in your mobile or laptop. Whenever you feel stressed, listen to some of your favorite tracks with your headphones to feel relaxed.
#9 Start writing
Even if you are not an author or writer, try to extract your writing abilities. Writing is a great way to deal with stress. If you ever feel lonely and stressed, then writing is one of the best ways to remove stress. Eliminate your writer’s block and start writing. You can write any story. Every person has some stories to share. It can be fiction. non fiction, memoir whatever. So get into the writing grove and start writing and if you feel your writing looks good, then go ahead to publish it. Who knows you can be future famous author?
#10 Set own personal space
Even if you are busy and stressed in your working hours, you must take a small break and then come back. Taking a small break is always a mind booster. Sitting in the chair and working for longs hours is not at all good for mental health. Take small breaks and have your personal time, talk to your friends and then return to your work. Your stress level will decrease and you will be motivated to work.
#11 Managing your tasks in a planned way
When you are inundated into multiple tasks and you feel overwhelmed, the first thing you must do is to break down those big tasks into small task. Your efficiency at workplace is determined by your quality deliverable, not on the quantity. So segregate the task into small tasks and you can produce quality deliverable. Once you broke it down, you will be in better position to complete your task/project with fruitful results. This can reduce your work stress if you can already prepare a journal and keeping track of tasks in a planned and proper way.
These tips are great! Saying no is so hard, but it can be so liberating once you do!
These are great suggestions! Thanks for sharing them.