I have always loved fantasy movies and books since childhood. How can I forget the movie Honey I shrunk the kids? It’s probably the first sci-fi fantasy movie I watched as a kid as far as I can recall. Since then, I fell in love with the fantasy books and movies and aspired to be a fantasy writer. Currently, the most common genres are romance, young adults, mystery/horror, urban fantasy/sci-fi. I read almost all genres including non fiction. But without a doubt, I always crave for Fantasy and Science Fiction novel every time. I am giving the following reasons why fantasy genre has always been my favourite genre and the best genre of books.
#1 Fantasy World-building
One of the most enticing part of fantasy genre is the world building. It always stupefies me on the creativity the author puts into the fantasy world building. Defining a new world, ethnic tribes, fictional places and fictional characters definitely not an easy task for any author. Great authors build a complete new universe in a novel. If you are fiction writer and want to know more about fantasy world building, you can check this article on fantasy world building.

#2 Magic
Magic is probably the most important factor in making the fantasy genre unique from all other genres. Without magic, fantasy stories are incomplete. Some people may not like magical element in a story. But I love magic. How the history of magic appeared in the story? How the magical powers came in picture and who are authorised to exercise those powers? However most of the fantasy stories depicts magic and the evolution of magic in a way that are sometimes hard to understand. But at the same time they are likeable to the readers. Sometimes the ethereal beauty of a landscape or the magnificent description of a forest or timeless of flow of water in a river for centuries can seem magical to me in a fantasy book or in a movie.
#3 Fantasy genre enlightens creativity
You don’t have to be a creative person to get your creative juices flowing. When you read a fantasy book, even a lackadaisical or a phlegmatic person will try to imagine the story by his/her imagination. I realize that most of the films and books that I have watched and love are all under the category of fantasy. After going into a world of fantasy, one will feel astonished to comprehend on how their mind is able to experience the magnificent fantasy world. It helps show an individual that one is possible to imagine a different and unique world from reality. Fantasy is also a genre of inspiration for artists, filmmakers, authors and etc.

#4 Adventure
I don’t think apart from fantasy book genres, no other can give that kind of adventure. Psychological thriller will be quite close here. The adventures are exhilarating, incredible, unpredictable and mind boggling. A voracious fantasy reader or any book lover of any genre can only feel these adventures. Movies portray those adventures in the ultimate form. But studying a book gives you a vicarious thrill and it can’t be compared to that of watching a movie.
#5 Mythical and mystical creatures
Another reason I love fantasy genre is because of the creatures and the characters involved in the plot. Those creatures makes an integral part of the story in what ever forms. The creatures can be likeable, intriguing, mysterious in many ways. These qualities add spice to the novel and you feel engrossed in the book. You want to read more about them. How those mystery creature interact with the protagonist of the story?
How they become sidekicks of the antagonist? Are they saviours or supporters of antagonist or whatever roles they are in, thing is that they always fascinate me as a reader. Eragon, Lord of the rings have got the most amazing creatures and I am always into fairies, elves, dragons, elves, mermaids. Once you study the novel, you experience the same thrill and adventure the protagonist is having with these creatures.
There is always a hidden lesson or message to be taken from the story even the story consists of fantasy creatures and that turns me on.

Depending on the above points, it makes me feel fantasy genre is always the best genre to study. It is for people of all ages as fantasy books doesn’t take a stand or opinionated view of a story if compared to non fiction books. There is always a fun, entertainment and exciting elements throughout the novel.
I don’t love ALL fantasy books, but a well-written fantasy story is indeed an amazing genre! This is a great post and I LOVE the images you chose! You brought up some great posts and I don’t think anyone can argue with you on the various perks of fantasy.
Thank you for stopping by Lindsay. Glad to know you liked the article.
Yes yes yes!! I loved this post especially as fantasy is one of my favorite genres, loved everything about this and so true! Thank you for sharing!
Brilliant post! Fantasy is one of my ultimate favourite genres to read because it provides so much detail and magic and it allows your imagination to wander further than expected. It provides the baselines for the story and allows it be more believable. There have been a few fantasy reads I haven’t enjoyed as much but most of them I have. I could spend hours reading about magic, mythical creatures and understanding how the world works. It nearly always leaves me wanting to know more!
Good post! I love fantasy too. However, not all fantasy books are good. The chance to escape into a new world is this genre’s biggest strength. Hence, it requires a deft author to create a fantastic world.
Well said Debjani. Thank you for stopping by.
I’m a HUGE sci-fi fan (especially Doctor Who), I just love the escapism that it brings, making you forget about the outside world for a while, definitely helps during times like this. Great post!
Well said Jared. Thank you for stopping by.
so many reasons as to why I enjoy fantasy books as an escape as well!
A really interesting post. I must say, while I quite enjoy reading fantasy, I don’t think I’d be at all good at writing it though!
Fantasy is certainly one of my favorite genres! It’s the perfect escape when I just want to get lost in a story and forget about the real world! Interesting article, thanks for sharing!
Great post. Fantasy books are so imaginative and a form of escapism. They’re so magical and you get drawn in to their world.
I agree! Fantasy is the best genre ever!