Happiness is a relative term. In this day and age, people are so busy, they frequently go into depression and tend to forget about important nuances of life. Everyone wants to happy but few are actually happy in real life. Lets dig down on the following steps through which we can find happiness in life.
#1 Love yourself
Just like the saying charity begins at home, trying loving yourself first before loving the world. We tend to be so materialistic driven in life, we become robots. We forgot God has given us one life and if one cannot love, respect and take care of own self, how can we love or respect the surroundings?
#2 Don’t expect anything in return from anyone
This is the harsh truth of finding true happiness. In life we always expect something from someone and it is quite natural . Maybe you have a pivotal role on shaping other people’s lives . But the hard truth is that when they achieve something in life through your assistance or help, they turn their backs from you eventually. I know that hurts and that’s the reason you should never expect anything from anybody. Then only you will be able to find the real happiness in life.
#3 Find your purpose in life
We all grow up and move on to jobs and whatever field we pursue. But have we ever realized the true purpose of life?. Are you happy with your current job ? Is this all you have wanted in life or are you meant to do something different ? You may want to be a philanthropist, an entrepreneur, an artist , maybe a social worker or anything other than your current job or activity. Its hard to decode our true purpose as we put all our energy in giving exams in schools, colleges and land up on a job which we feel bored and think we all are trapped. Find your true purpose to find true happiness.
#4 Forget and move on to find happiness
Its important to forget out bad past . People tend to be haunted by their dreadful past sufferings, struggles and keeps pondering around those stuff. These sufferings bring negative energies within you . Just duck every bad memories and move on in life. Life has so much to offer . You will find the real happiness once you eliminate those memories.
#5 Keep yourself busy
There goes a saying Idle mind is devil’s workshop. So rightfully we need to keep ourselves busy where ever we are and at any phase of life. Always involve in productive activities that will keep your mind refreshing . You can’t just simply work in office or whatever professional work you are, you need to do other activities viz watching movies, listening to music, running , hitting the gym, yoga etc .Believe me you will find happiness.

#6 Always feel young
People should never feel old. We age biologically, but mentally we should be evergreen and young . Once we cross thirty, we think we have crossed our age and cannot achieve our dreams, aspirations. But in reality you have know idea regarding your brainpower, willpower. So mentally stay strong, fit and achieve your goal and stay motivated . That’s the best way to get happiness in life.
#7 Listen to your mind
People say listen to your heart but my answer is listen to your brain. Be pragmatic in your approach towards things.Never let your heart dominate over your brain. We deal emotionally most of the times and that turns out be a callous decision most of the times.
#8 Meet up old friend , teacher
Make a sudden visit to your old school friend or a school teacher from whom you have learnt so much. Your presence will make them happy and you will feel the real happiness inside.
#9 Adaptability
You need to adapt with different environments in life . It can be in workplace, home, surroundings . Adaptability is an important trait you need to build within you .Not every environment will be congenial for you to sustain. But you need to develop this .If you acclimatize ,adapt and sustain in the adverse circumstances, you are a winner and you will never deprive of happiness.
#10 Live in the present
Living in the present so important. We often tend to worry about your future and thus forget to live in the present moment. This is detrimental to our mental health. We must live in the present and try to enjoy every moments of life. Don’t burden your thoughts with future expectations and thoughts.

#11 Respect Yourself and Senior Citizens
Self esteem is necessary to be happy in life. If you don’t respect yourself, then how can you expect the people around you respect you? As it is said respect is earned. Be the better person in every possible way. And also respect your seniors, senior citizens or any physically challenged person, whenever you come across such people, treat them with respect and assist them if they need your help.
#12 Have few but genuine friends
Most of the friends we hang out or the social circle we belong consists of fake people and friends. We strictly need to identify these fake friends from our circle and avoid them. We all need friends in life but having bad ones can put us in bad state of mind. Thus in order to find true happiness, you must have genuine friends and remember great amazing friends are difficult to find.

#13 Treat failure as a lesson
It’s quite normal to say we are afraid of failure and always fear of facing one. Failure is just a subjunctive term. Since childhood, we think that if we fail, we are loser. Failure in an exam, a task or an activity does not determine a person’s capability, self esteem and true potential in life. If someone fails in certain task, he may be successful in some other task which the person himself may not even know. The person needs to know that there will be some field of expertise he/she will excel in life. He has to explore and search for his potential to succeed in those fields. That’s it. Thus treat failure as just a learning curve you will never be in frustration. Life will give you lots of opportunities and you are bound to find success and happiness.
#14 Patience is an amazing virtue
Patience is the greatest virtue. As there is a saying, ” Every cloud has a silver lining.” This idioms sums up the true essence of happiness of life. Difficult circumstances in life are temporary and those often lead to path joy and happiness in long run.

#15 Visit a music concert
Without entertainment , there is no joy, fun in life. That’s why art,music and movies are so much important in our lives. Go and visit a music concert nearby whatever genre you like – pop, rock, trance etc and make yourself entertained.
The crux of the discussion here is happiness is just a state of mind and that state of mind should always come with positive energy .So stay happy and follow the above mentioned steps, you will never be deprived of happiness.
I enjoyed reading your post! I want to start working on not expecting anything in return from anyone. I always seem to do things with an expectation of receiving something in return. Instead, I need to start doing things because I want to; in hopes of it making me feel good and happy. Thanks for these tips!
Glad to hear Kendra you find those tips helpful.
I think that Number 5 resonates with me the most. There is so much in this world to learn and discover that I think we take it for granted. Great article overall!
Rightly said Brendaleea .There is so much to learn and explore productive activities which are missing in our daily lives. Glad to know you liked the article.
These advices make a lot of sense, but the hard part is following them!
I’m not sure I’ll be able soon to stop expecting things from other people, love myself, listen to my brain, forget…
But maybe by reading them over and over ithey will eventually come through! 🙂
Thank you Jamie for sharing your wisdom!
Yes Nathalie, it’s difficult to follow every points mentioned. I wish you happiness in life.
Those are all each great keys to happiness!! Thanks for posting and sharing !! ❤️
Thank you Jessica for the kind words.
Some really great ideas. Love the one keep your brain busy.
Yeah Janice. We got to keep ourselves busy.
Love these 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Thank you Hollie.
Amazing tips and absolutely agree #5. Being productive makes me happy. I even try to be productive during the weekends, but I just can’t do nothing.
Great tips. It can be devastating to help others and be betrayed by the same people we help. I agree with you we have to detach from expectations when it comes to others.
Finding one’s purpose is an important one, but it often gets postponed due to financial reasons. For instance, I know many people who love the idea of working as a counselor, but most jobs in this field do not pay well enough and can’t match the income they are making now. It’s important, however, that one at least make progress in the direction of their life purpose, even if it requires making a few sacrifices.