People might think the computers and information technology is for computer wizards and engineers and those working under that niche. But people are forgetting that now we are living in a digital age where computer and IT skills have become a necessity. Every work, activity, shopping are now done online and thus it’s imperative to learn basic computer skills. Now it’s not about who is computer engineer or computer scientist. It’s all about awareness of basic computer, information technology skills which is be the basic driving ladder for life activities. Now why we need to be information technology savvy even we may not have a degree in this field? I am listing down the reasons below in details.
#1 Communication and Connection

We are able to connect to people across the globe because of information technology. Every business runs on IT. It expands network, connectivity and communication with all parts of the world. Even the village, rural and remote parts of the world can be easily communicated by IT and that is internet. Internet makes the entire world a single global place. The villages, towns and cities are now interconnected. Students can access online course from internet. Internet also provides free education and thus less privileged students can study for free. It lets the common man educate about the global news and events daily.
#2 Enhance/broaden your skills

Internet is repository of knowledge and it enables a person to learn plethora of skills free of cost. A student can learn any technical skills from internet and can also learn cooking, painting, dancing, singing for free. Now it is mandatory for teachers to hone their online teaching skills and these are freely available on internet as students are mostly studying online.
#3 Information Technology Runs Business.

IT enables business run in proper manner and in a defined way. It is structured and disciplined, keeping track of all records, tasks and activities and also provides robust security keeping track of all online transactions. Only authorized persons have access to secured data and there is proper management to make business and security run safely and smoothly.
#4 Employment/Appraisal opportunities
There is always a demand of a skilled technical person in any field of work. It doesn’t matter if you are having information technology degree from an esteem college or not. If you are technical savvy persons and have high knowledge in technical skills, it can open the door of opportunities in workplace. You can be a data scientist, data analyst, programmer,technology specialist, IT manager, developer, tester, technical architect, consultant, network administrator, web developer, consultant and many more. Above all, technical skills will give you wide range of opportunities and get you a good remuneration/appraisal. It also gives you an edge over other resources who doesn’t have these skills . So learn the basic computer skills online and there are so many free available resources.
#5 Medicine and Healthcare

Doctors, physicians, radiologists use technology to check the patient records and their history details. Furthermore, with the help of technology, healthcare and medicine made a great improvement as nowadays patient can communicate with their doctors,experts via mobile apps. They can get immediate feedback and response whether they need to visit hospital or simple consultation is enough.
In short, internet is capable to transform people’s lives of all ages as it provides knowledge and information to people globally. Thus learning information technology skills is mandatory not only for kids, students but also for adults in this digital age.