In this article let me discuss on the following powerful beliefs that can make you successful in whatever field you want to pursue. We strive for success in every sphere of life. But few could say they are successful. This is because everyone has different ways of interpreting the definition of success . .
#1 Indomitable thirst for knowledge
There is a saying ‘knowledge is power’ and that is an undeniable fact .If you want to be successful, the basic quintessential requirement is that you need to have that thirst for knowledge. Successful people are hungry for knowledge, facts around the globe for every topics around the globe. Definitely you got to be a master in one field but successful people excel knowledge in all fields. If you are satiated by the knowledge you have, there will be no room for improvement. There is so much to learn in the world. You should not be bogged down by the education you have. Strive for more.
#2 Ready to embrace failure
In order to successful, you have to be ready to accept failure. Never think if you are on your way to achieve something big, you may fail and you must be ready to embrace it with open arms. Unless you accept failure with open arms, you cannot move ahead in life. Remember the old saying failure is the pillar of success . Failures teach you to be tough and dream higher . Unless you fail you cannot enjoy the fruits of success.
#3 You are special
You need to believe in yourself. You must think you are special. If you can’t respect and love yourself , you cannot be successful anywhere in life if don’t believe in your abilities. You got to believe you are special and you have edge over your peers, competitors in your field.
#4 Everyday a new challenge
Successful people never take things for granted. Even if they are settled in life, they start their new day with full energy thinking a new challenge lies ahead and how they can overcome the challenge. This makes them proactive and they eventually achieve their every new goals.
#5 Successful people don’t seek advice from friends
Successful people have few friends. This is because friends are distractions in their life and that’s the reason they dedicate their entire time in their study, vision and achieving something which very few people dream of. They don’t take approval of their friends if they are about to start a new venture in life. Very few friends will give him the inspiration to succeed as most of the friends are jealous of his/her vision. Remember never discuss your career goals with your friends when they themselves are struggling to achieve their own goals. Successful people never ask for recommendation or appreciation to get things done. They will just jump and conquer his/her goals.
#6 Sky is the limit

Sky is the limit for successful people. Successful people never set boundaries in their dreams. Their ambitions are unstoppable and their energies are mind driven and they keep pushing themselves to add new feather to their cap every time they are set to achieve their goal.
#7 They survive the risks
What makes successful people ahead of their peers is that they don’t succumb to risks and pressure. Ninety percent people give up if they see failure in the final stages of achieving something special. But successful people never give up, they take risks and even if they fail, they will rise like a phoenix and conquer their dreams. This is one of the most powerful beliefs sets them apart from common people.
#8 Never make excuses
One of the powerful beliefs of successful people is that they never make excuses . They accept their fault and move on for further improvement. They always strive to prove themselves that they are the best , not to the people around. Normal person keeps trying entire life proving others. If you want to be successful, you don’t have to prove to anyone but to compete with yourself.
#9 Avoid anger, resentments and grudges
These are dreadful vice which can bring any successful person down within a matter of short time. Never let your anger, past failures or grudges against someone grow . It will surely drive you towards the path of failure because if you do work on basis of emotions, you can never be successful. Simply forget and strive for the best and rejoice life .
#10 You cannot make everyone around happy
Its always good to be in the good books of everybody around you . For example a student in front of a teacher, an employee in front of boss, an sportsperson in front of the coach, among the colleagues , everyone tries to be good .The truth is that you cannot make yourself likeable to everyone around you. You may be the most popular boy/girl in the college. But behind your back, there will be some guys/girls badmouthing about you.
Same thing applicable in any field – sports , office , work etc. The fact is that no matter how hard you try , you can’t be in good books of everyone. That’s the reason successful people least care about what the people/competitors are thinking about him/her . He has one vision and he has to achieve and if majority of people around him/her admire him/her, then he/she should be proud, not that minimal one percent people who don’t like him/her. This is indeed one of the most powerful beliefs which can get rid of your mental obstacles.
#11 Take inspirations
Every successful person have this powerful belief of taking inspiration from global figures in corresponding fields to attain success. You need to have role model to prosper in the field you choose to be. Without inspirations, you cannot excel. All big artists, entertainers, entrepreneurs, sportsperson have inspirations . It is always necessary to set a goal when inspired by somebody.
#12 Never belittle the competitors
It is a common mistake for people to underestimate somebody over somebody’s past performance. Successful people are always at their toes and never give any room to the competitors to succeed. Successful people never take anybody for granted.
#13 Maintain dignity
This is the chief characteristic feature of successful people. No matter how successful they are, they maintain their dignity. They never let arrogance let out from their body language . They are arrogant in their mind but never show off like other meretricious people do.
#14 Disciplined lifestyle
If you want to successful , you need to follow a disciplined lifestyle. It’s not like waking up late and rushing to office and survive the day. One of the most powerful beliefs that successful people have is maintaining a stringent lifestyle. They never waste a minute a time in junk things which sets them apart from common people.
#15 Philanthropic
It doesn’t mean you have to be rich to donate somebody. Be compassionate at heart , whenever you see a needy person , donate something. It can be 5 bucks or some food . Successful people never shy away in donating anywhere at any point of time.
#16 Respect the elders
It is commonly seen nowadays people don’t have respect for older people. Take the blessings from your elders which will act a catalyst in your success. They have seen more hardships about life, seen more failures and success than you. So show respect and in future you will see the result.
#17 Learn from everybody around
Successful people believes in gaining knowledge from everyone around him .He/she doesn’t care if the person is senior or junior to him. This is unarguably one of the powerful beliefs that every person has some knowledge make them successful and they extract knowledge from every surrounding people in every possible way and are motivated to study more.
#18 Adaptability
Successful people adapts very well in any kind of situations. Adapting to a new environment or workplace is absolutely fine with them. They train their minds to act smart in any adverse situations. This is because they know life is not bed of roses. They are mentally prepared for all challenges For example, if they are asked to travel abroad for work without giving any notice , they will accept and will be ready for travel. Common people will tend to buy time by putting excuses of family problems , personal problems. It is not that successful people don’t have problems in their life. But they keep personal life separate from professional life. Successful people have this powerful beliefs they can adapt anywhere.
#19 Solitude
This is one of the most powerful beliefs of successful people. Most of them prefer loneliness but they utilize the loneliness in some productive activities to motivate themselves .They don’t like hustle and bustle . They have less friends as they focus completely on achieving the future success. They know very well that idle mind is devil’s workshop. Thus they keep themselves busy in all activities and prosper in everywhere.
#20 There is always a choice
They always have this belief that there is always a choice in life. If they fail in achieving a goal , they will not look back and move ahead to achieve a different goal to become successful. They don’t believe failing in achieving a goal is the end of dreams.
Thus set your own powerful beliefs which will set you apart from your peers/competitors. Use the above mentioned points and you are on your way to achieve your success.
These are all really great tips! Iām going to have to start implementing them ASAP! Thanks for sharing!
xo Cyn
Happy to know you find the tips helpful.
Very good tips! My main problem is believing in myself part of things. My own lack of self-confidence always seems to get in my way.
I need to start implementing more than these!
I am quite sure you will regain your self confidence Nyxie . Happy to know you liked this article.
I think I can relate with some of the tips mentioned in this article. I learn a lot from the people around me, and this helps me succeed.
Yes John, learning from people around is very helpful. Glad you liked the article.
You made some really good points here! Thank you.
Great tips! I love this kind of posts and I am already following some of these need to apply more. Thank You for sharing.
Sunshine |
There are some very valid points made in this article for sure. But it also got me thinking that ‘success’ can mean so very different things for each of us. For some it’s having a certain amount of money or recognition, for others it can be as simple a things as having a job they enjoy doing. That’s why I don’t think we can say that “successful people have few friends”. I consider myself very successful in life compared to many others, and part of that success is having loads of close friends in multiple countries. Also the ‘avoid anger, resentment…’-point I can’t agree with. We’re all humans, and no matter if we’re successful or not, we all feel all of those things. Some can control those feelings better, but successful people sure ain’t excluded from feeling so, or being unable to control those feelings.
Oh gosh, I could go on and on, I really love discussing the concept of ‘success’ because it’s such a varied, wonderful thing š
I can resonate with your points Teresa. Concept of success is such a vast topic as you said. I am glad to know you are successful in life. Thank you for stopping by.