Year 2020 has been one of the worst years in the history of mankind. Never in our dreams we thought we would have to face a disastrous year. Year 2020 has taken so many lives around the globe, so many people lost their jobs and so many people went into depression. But even during these hard times, the saviors of mankind – the doctors, health care workers are working relentlessly to save the people.
So we got to hold our nerve and have faith in the almighty that these bad times will soon be over. And we can hope the new year 2021 will make our lives back to normal. Of course, there will be new changes in life style, new way of outlook towards life. So you need to adapt with the new style of living. We have to give paramount importance to our health and hygiene while staying outside and travelling. But one thing won’t change, dreamers will make their way to success no matter how big the predicament of life. Procrastinators will always stay behind.
So utilize this current time and build your skills without any delay. Skill building is the root to success. Thus everyday make a resolution if you are working or unemployed- learn new set of skills. Skills can be anything. Remember job market and economy is down. So there will high demand of qualified resource.
What does a qualified resource mean? A resource who can adapt and learn multiple skills in a short time. It can be technical skills, interpersonal skills, accounting etc. Skills doesn’t mean only technical, there is opportunity in every working sector- cooking, arts, creative stuff, linguistic skills are also in demand. But whenever you are learning a skill, make sure to master the skill, not just study and learn in the superficial way and there comes your will power and diligence in picture.
New Year Resolutions 2021

- The crux is whatever you want to learn, your focus and commitment level should not be deterred. Now in the job crisis, there will be lot of competition and if you want to stay ahead, your skills during the lock down period will reward you in future for sure. Thus without wasting an time, select a skill which you are interested and confident of learning fast and start learning.
- Don’t spend too much time in social media– Yes you heard me right. Think of yourself, if you spend time in social media, then when will you learn. Of course, you can learn lot of stuffs from social media, but real study requires pen and paper to practice. I may sound old school but if you go by the history, genius personalities have always studied using pen and notebook. We can thus manage our time by not spending too much time hanging on social media sites. We can allocate some specific time for social media and then move on to our other tasks throughout our day without wasting our time.
- Morning exercise is must– If you have stay fit, morning exercise or jogging is absolutely necessary to build your immunity. Don’t neglect exercise and because of lock down at our homes this year, most of us have gained weight and thus we need to be back in shape and it is high time we stick to a rigid discipline in our diet and lifestyle.
- Help a random person– We expect the hard times to be over as soon as possible. If possible, make a resolution of helping random person in need. It not only makes them happy, it will give a new meaning to your life and you will never be disappointed in life.

Your health and prosperity finally all depends on fulfilling your resolutions for the upcoming year 2021. Let’s hope for a new bright future for everyone around the world and let’s smile together again and live a healthy and prosperous life.
These are some great goals! I’m definitely going to make an attempt to exercise every morning and make 2021 a great year.