We all overthink too much in our daily lives. Overthinking does not give a solution to any problem. Rather it increases anxiety, fear in different forms. So it is absolutely callous to overthink as you are not going to gain anything from it. The term “over” is a heavy term and if used inappropriately can make someone’s life a havoc. All the terms – over smart, overconfidence, over arrogance are signs of self destruction of any individual if he/she claims to a happy person. Any thing crossing over the normal limit is not good. Similarly thinking too much will not give any clear solution to life’s problems.
Sometimes we think out of fear, anxiety, aspiration, tension. These are natural but if we keep on thinking and pondering over, we are ruining our normal life routine. Remember life is precious, we got one and we have to live to the fullest. Most of the things we overthink are exaggerated versions of our dilemma. These are petty stuffs. Enjoy, relax and get the happiness of life. Overthinking will take you nowhere.
Now let me list down following points by which we can reduce overthinking and lead a normal and peaceful life.
#1 Think with logic and acumen
We frequently tend to take tough and hasty decisions and finally make a complete mess. That is because you have been overthinking too much . Don’t take decision by overthinking, think from a logical angle. For any problem, you must take decision with logic and acumen, not by thinking over your head. If you want to take any decisions, use logic and acumen to arrive at conclusion .
#2 Live in the present
People tend to overthink too much about their future. It can be the life comfort, goal, family work, activities and so on. This does make sense as everyone needs to have that mental and financial security in life. But that does not mean that you will be overthinking and pondering about your future every time. This creates unnecessary expectation and fear which will give you nothing but mental agony. Set a goal and step by step move forward to achieve that goal whatever big or small it might . Thus you will be able to live in present and enjoy everyday of your life We should not overthink about our future and try to live in the present day.
#3 Make a good social circle
This may sound easy in this modern age. But believe me, this is probably very tough. Making social circle is easy, there are so many online places for hang out and making friends but making a good social circle is tough. I mean really good social circle – the friends here are really for each other, not just for the sake of attending . It is really difficult to find chilled out and caring friends. They enjoy every moment of their lives relaxing even though they might be busy working through out the day in office, still they manages sometime after office and rejuvenate in social club . You got to make one such friend circle.
#4 Take a break

Don’t stress too much, even if you are worried , take a small break and don’t keep your brain occupied in a single activity. Even in middle of work, you are overthinking too much to find an answer to a solution and you are not getting desired solution, simply take a break , go outside, have a snack or fruit juice and start fresh. Even then if you don’t get any answer , feel free ask your peers, seniors, supervisors. There is no harm in asking for assistance. Remember you cannot compromise on your mind and health. Stop over thinking and move on.
#5 Hit the gym
Most of us after returning from work, tend to think too much about the future tasks that are to be assigned to us the next day or next week. This does not make any sense as you don’t know what’s going to be assigned to you future. I suggest once you are back from office work, simply hit the gym in your locality. Exercise, yoga are great positive catalysts for your mental peace and happiness. The exercise can keep your blood flowing and make your mind fresh. Simply stop overthinking too much and start hitting the gym. In a few days, you will feel the difference in your life.
#6 Find a new hobby
Whenever you are overthinking, find your a distraction to avert the overthinking. Set a small amount of time everyday to work on your new hobby to eliminate overthinking and keep your busy in those activities. The activities may be following :painting, dancing, cooking, learning music, cleaning your house.
#7 Take good quality sleep
Stressed people indulge in overthinking and often neglect their health. They become insomniac and the main reason is stress. Sound sleep is mandatory and human body needs at least 6 hours sleep per day as an adult to lead a healthy life. Try to hit the bed early. But force yourself to sleep. Try reading story books, magazines and when you feel like sleeping, go right away. Turn of the lights and all distractions while sleeping if you like to sleep with lights off.
#8 Face your Fear
Overthinkers are sceptical to face the fear. Face your fear and that’s the only way to conquer your fear. Unavoidable circumstances or fear of something captures our mind and that is unavoidable. Don’t let your impulsive behaviour carry you away and the more you try to avoid your fear, you will face fear in some other way. Thus face what life has in store for you and it is just a moment to conquer. Thus indulging or overthinking is useless here.
#9 Take control of your life
This is real hard. We overthink because we want to be free from stress, anxiety, burden. These things in life will go on and impossible to eliminate. But the most we can do is to take control or take charge of our life as much as possible. Stress, anxiety, mental burden happens due to the following reasons- stress from work, failed relationship, not having social circles, lack of recognition at work, unable to pay rent or phone bill, unable to travel and spend leisure time and the list goes on. To get peace of mind, make your mind free of negative and pessimistic thoughts of life and career. Pondering over life and career is okay but too much overthinking is detrimental. If you are stressed from work, you must consider changing your career or start learning new skills to boost your career growth if you want to stick to your field of expertise. Set goals and take action. Achieve each goals one at a time. If you are having failed relationships, take a break and understand yourself better. Overthinking doesn’t help here. Big decisions requires discipline and guts and thus you can take full control of your life without letting emotions getting along your way.
#10 Live your life
God has one precious life. Success, failures, ups and downs will come and go. Thus we can’t afford to miss the simple moments of life. Live your moment and that’s probably the best way to stop overthinking. Breathe the fresh air and tune in good music, do yoga, meditation and live a healthy life.
These are some few points I have discussed over here and I am pretty sure , you can come up with more points to stop overthinking in life. Enjoy every moment of life as thinking too much won’t take you any where. If you have any points to share, feel free to comment below and share me your thoughts .
Nice post, Jamie!
I definitely have a history of overthinking. I received a piece of advice a few years ago that centered on how I was feeling. Becoming reacquainted with my emotions, helped inform and sometimes revealed what I needed to do regarding a particular decision. It provided the balance I needed to understand the truth and make better decisions. I also like the section of your post on living in the present. As you suggest, overthinking about a possible decision implies thoughts of the future; inherently taking us away from the present. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for stopping by. Glad to know you are making better decisions and yes, we must live in present.
I do agree with you 100%, especially on the fact that overthinking does take a toll on your mind as well as health.
I’m a chronic overthinker so I really needed to read this! I am working towards being kinder to myself and not putting myself through as much, but it can be difficult.
Thank you for sharing regardless.
I am an overthinker for sure! Now that my kids are older I find myself doing it more! Thanks for the useful info!
Thank you Angela for stopping by.
I overthink everything. I really needed to read this today. Thanks for sharing
I always overthink and honestly working out is the only thing that helps me. Thanks for sharing your tips!
Erika Marie | https://imerikamarie.com
As a single mum, I am always overthinking. And these are great tips for me.