Writing an impressive book title is one of the most crucial factors in driving the book sales in the market. If you are an author/writer, you are well aware of this fact and cannot deny that the most important factor in book sales is an enticing book cover and the title of the novel. So giving the perfect title is very necessary to make your novel stand out. Basically there is no hard and fast rule in writing a perfect title.For eg – the title for books, novels should be written in italics where as for short stories in anthology written within quotations .In this article, I will show the process of writing an impressive title. You can write the title before the writing the entire book or after writing the book.The choice is yours.
Every writer should prepare a template to generate a killer title to entice the readers.
Steps to write an impressive Book Title. Share on X#1 Genre check
The title should go with the genre of your book. The title is enough to let the audience know about the genre of your book whether its science fiction, fantasy, non fiction, mystery,memoir, essay.
#2 Catchy title
One of the most important factor in making your book successful. Write a very catchy title , should serve a hook to the audience. Try come up with at least 50 to 100 titles for your book , so you can select the best one . Use phrases, jargons or a mystery connotation to write a compelling title. Generally people see the book cover,blurb of the book and the author bio in the first glance. Among these, the title must be catchy enough to entice the audience. So make sure to make no stones unturned. Select the best possible title which is eye catching as well as ear catching.

#3 Simple yet informative
This is also a great approach in writing a killer title. The title should be very simple yet effective and informative. The five six word simple title must convey an interesting informative message to the readers and make them buy the book. This can be crude strategy in marketing your book.
#4 Brainstorm
Selecting a title is an upheaval task. It takes quite an effort to come up with the best title possible. There is a lot of brainstorming required to have the best title possible.
#5 Title should be for masses
The title should appeal to masses – I mean everyone, not concentrated to adults or old people. Young kid , teenagers should not hesitate to speak about the title in front of anyone . Thus the book can generate more sales before its launch as the title already became household name before its release
Getting the right title is tough and one must put ample amount of time in writing a best selling book title.
I have to admit I struggle with titles. Blog titles are easy, you find what people like, but story or book titles have always baffled me.
Thank you for these tips 😀
Yes it takes time to write an amazing book title.
Interesting post because my current wip is called narrative
I have gone through at least five different name titles but, as I keep editing and writing, I find myself not liking the titles so I keep changing them. I think this is normal and something writers should be open to; I know that by exploring with different titles, I will eventually reach the perfect one.
Exactly Jaya. Reaching the perfect title is a tough task .
Titles are always the last thing that I decide on before I decide to publish/send out my novel. They drive me crazy, but they’re also so important. I’m happy with all of the titles of my books, but they were a struggle to find. Thanks for the tips!
Happy to know you found these tips helpful. Title is very important as it is the first thing noticed by the publisher/literary agents.
This is such a useful post. I think you could apply the same principles to writing titles for blog posts as well!