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10 Ways to Make Most of Your Day

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We all want to lead a healthy and happy life and some activities can definitely make most of your day happening and refreshing. In this article let’s discuss those simple steps to makemost of our everyday lives.

#1 Wake Up Early

Waking up early in the morning is unarguably the best way to start any day. In order to wake up early, you got to sleep early. It is often seen early risers are more productive than late risers. Waking up early enables you to see the sunrise and view of sunrise is always refreshing and it can brighten your day and mood, imbibe positive energies throughout the day.

#2 Morning Walk/Exercise


Never miss the exercise after getting up from bed. It can be hitting the gym,running, jogging, dancing or whatever you prefer. You need to be physically active and exercise keeps your metabolism in balance and never let you go weak.

#3 Shower

Proper shower is must to stay clean and hygienic throughout the day. Before going to work, one must have proper shower.

#4 Proper Breakfast

Never skip your breakfast. Having breakfast is mandatory . A good and sumptuous breakfast will give you the energy to make most of your day go productive.

#5 Newspaper/TV news

Make most of your day

Glance through the newspaper or watch Television News to keep yourself acquainted with local and global news, events, sports. It is always important to be aware of events happening around us. You can make most of your day by visiting TV news, newspapers.

#6 Take small breaks at work place

Most of the our time goes at work but there is no harm to take small breaks during work – it can be a snack break or taking a stroll inside your office premise. Sitting in the cubicle for long time is not good for health. So you must take small breaks at work .

#7 Follow your passion

Every person must have some passion to keep them life. Life is not just about the work we do. We got to explore our innate talents, abilities and keep cultivating them to beat the past time and who knows we can turn them into full time profession. You must definitely work on your passion and make most your day and also leisure time useful.

#8 Social Engagement

Try to have a social life . Don’t just return from work and do own stuff. Have a chat with your friend, people from your neighbourhood. Play an outdoor game, not video games. You can make new friends.

#9 Help a Random Person

Try helping a random person in need. That’s probably the best way to make use of your free time during any time of the day. You will never regret helping other. Small acts of donation can not only change the needy person’s life but also yours.

#10 Relax


Who doesn’t like to relax ? Everyone wants to relax whenever possible. But you should only relax when you are free . Remember to take proper sleep ( at least 6-7 hours a day ), no matter how busy your work schedule is.


The are many ways to make most of your day apart from the ones I mentioned. Feel free to share those in comments.

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Beth Gray

    great at keeping it simple and yet engaged!
    And I need the reminder to take breaks during the work day!

  2. Sandy

    Great tips to making the most of your day. Waking up early is something I’m currently working on. The beginning is hard and is an adjustment but I feel like as I continue to practice this daily, it will be easier. I usually follow with a morning shower and immediatly feel refreshed and ready to take the day.

    Going to work on taking breaks. Thank you so much for sharing these tips!

  3. Joan Senio

    Lots of good ideas here, but I think #9 is my favorite. It always lifts my spirits so much when I can do something kind. Sometimes all we have to do is pay attention a little more to find opportunities and the payback is so great.
    My Best Friend Adeline

  4. Emma

    Love these tips as they’re so quick and easy!

  5. Teresa

    Very good points, there’s just 2 that I can’t personally agree with, at all: waking up early and watching the news first thing in the morning. Let’s be honest, nobody enjoys waking up early. The best thing in the world is being able to lay in bed and wake up slowly, in your own pace. Of course, with a 9-5 job that’s not possible, and we’re okay with that. The second thing, news, is just a way to ruin your morning: who wants to start their morning hearing about wars being waged, children dying of hunger, and another rape that happened in your neighbourhood. Not me, at least.
    But having a good breakfast and a morning walk, taking breaks with colleagues at work, and relaxing in the evening definitely make it all worth it.

    Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog

    1. Jamie

      I get your points Teresa. I know waking up early is very difficult for most people. Even I find it difficult to wake up early. We know sometimes news in headlines can be disturbing and it can ruin our morning mood, but news study is for education. It’s basically up to individual to follow news channels/newspaper. Glad to know you liked the article. Thank you for stopping by.

  6. Heather L. Donahue

    Nice post! I get up early, work out and try to have a few small things that I do everyday to nourish me. Such as 3:00 is green tea time! Sometimes with a cookie! Even when I am at the office! One other idea is to meditate. It only takes 10 – 15 minutes. I do it right when I wake up. I find starting the day in stillness versus starting to think about everything that has to get done helps me focus!

    1. Jamie

      Wow!!3:00 is too early. That’s a healthy lifestyle. I always find it hard to wake up early though.

  7. Kenna

    A nice read.

    Personally I enjoy making time to meditate with the Headspace app each morning as well as some brain workout in the form of Duolingo.

    1. Jamie

      Glad to hear you liked the article Kenna. Meditation is very much necessary in morning.

  8. Robert Warren

    Ⲣrobably օne of my moѕt liқed sites to read through when starting the dаy with a mug of coffee !

  9. Vladimir Efimov

    Your aρproach is quіte creative in comparison tο other folks I’ve checked ɑrticles from.
    Thanks a lot for sharing when you have ցοt the time, reckon I’ll take
    notes from this idea.

  10. Andrew Gavrilov

    What a nice post! Really a need to-read and a discovery!
    This just helped me thanks so much.

  11. Ash

    Help a random person is such a lovely addition to this! I freak out about not making the most of every day, but mostly I just need to get up earlier!

    Ash |

  12. Taylor Rednose

    Great tips! Simple but proven to be true.

  13. Claire

    What a lovely post. Great tips.

    I have found I am much more productive in the mornings, so i get up earlier than I need to and really crack on with the day. I feel great for it x

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