Since we were kids, we faced lots of questions to answer and pass in exam . But the life changing moment came to me when I was in Kindergarten( I was hardly 4 years old ), a teacher told us someone from her family passed away for some reason with a sad face .Then she told us every humans/animals in planet will die someday. I was so much intrigued and upset to hear the term death for first time as I have never seen or heard the term ‘death’ before. Then as I grew up and started to realize we are mere mortal and thus the following 5 mind blasting questions, came to my mind, though all hypothetical ones which can have massive impact in our lives and I just want to share my thoughts with you.

#1 What if after death we go through the exact same phase of life which we went earlier before death ?
This question gives chills in my spine when this question popped up in my mind for the first time.We live our life in our terms , some successfull , some unsuccessful some rich , some poor but everyone of us want to die peacefully. We don’t know what happens after death, maybe we go to heaven or hell depending on our karma but suppose nothing of these happens , you are sent back to earth in the same place where you have lived before and going thorugh the same results as before. At least from my end , it give shivers as if I get a chance of rebirth , I would like to change the bad events which happened to me before. What’s your take ?
#2 What if the people of Earth unite together to make the world as one single country ?

We are a single biggest and most beautiful creation of God and God selected the planet earth for living beings. Earth is having one fourth landmass and three fourth water. Then why can’t we have a single country for all the landmasses ? We differentiate people on the basis of colour, caste , religion , first world ,second world countries, developed , developing countries and the list goes on . Can’t we have a single global country with single language ,single currency and single belief on God ? How nice it would be. The only thing I saw rich demonstrating power over poor people, developed countries exercising power over weak countries. When are we going to have one single mankind? We need to erase the parochial mindset of people and unite together as a global citizen .Hope our future generations will make this change someday in future making this world a paradise .

#3 What if the digital revolution in the world turn people jobless ?
We are moving into world of digitization. People cannot live without computer, gadgets, social mediaving in a virtual world,computer, social media . Robots are now controlling every complex task resulting in employement of robots. Soon we may see Uber or any cab company may employ Robots to drive us home which may happen in near term. As the robots are increasing in large numbers , robots may take away the jobs from humans . Humans may go to depression state as they may have to compete with the robots for employment.
Mind Blowing Questions to make you wonder about life. Share on X#4 What if the animals are able to talk just like humans ?

I used to have a pet parrot who used to call me by my name when I was a toddler. I was so thrilled when the parrot chanted my name . As I grew up, I felt if all the animals could talk just like humans, then how would you feel ? Imagine you are talking to your dog , what a beautiful world it could turn to be if the animals cross the globe would not have to face the torture from humans. They should also get their desired freedom, place of habitat .

#5 What if we have no stress in our life?
I am pretty sure you all be happy to answer this question. We all undergo through stressful situations throughout our life since birth. We can’t deny that even the richest to poorest person in this planet has some tension or the other throughout his life. Money cannot relieve you from stress coz stress could happen to any people at any time and you got to face it with endurance. So what if there were no stress in our lives.
Finally I want to say the above mentioned topics are my hypothetical analysis . Feel free to comment on the above mentioned questions.
My favorite questions is the one about life after death…what if you back to the stage before? Kind of like pick up where you left of or if you die middle class are you reborn again upper middle class? This would be interesting to consider.
As far as whether animals talk, depending on the animal I swear many of them can talk. It’s just not in our language 🙂
That’s a very interesting question Rachel. I guess if given chance I would start again, not from the middle. At least I think so, what’s your take here ?
Regarding animals talk, yes they all talk but not in our language. Glad you liked the post.
Interesting read…reminds me of a lot of sci fi
Yes Ruth, some questions are inspired from sci-fi.
Very interesting and thought provoking. Absolutely loved it!
So glad to know you liked the article .Indeed these are hypothetical questions but thought provoking as you mentioned.
I loved Question # 5
#5 What if we have no stress in our life?
There was a test done on trees – that grew in a total vacuum = zero stress. They fell over!
So – while I wish there were LESS stress in my life… or perhaps I should say, less persistent, low-grade stress… occasional stress seems to be good for us! It’s the long-term, low-grade stress that is killing us!
Appreciate your ideas regarding stress. Thank you for stopping by Beth.
This is interesting. Good questions are a great way to use your mind!
This is a very interesting article with a list of questions worth considering. I honestly consider several of these quite often myself.
Thank you for stopping by Sharon.
Fascinating! It was fun thinking through each of these questions. Nice post.
3-5 have definitely cross my mind in the past hehe . Thanks for sharing babes
I’m pretty sure I would die if there was no stress. It’s as important to me as the air I breathe. I think I’ve been stressed since I was 7…5 ( I had a really mean first grade teacher), and I literally cannot imagine not feeling that pressure. But I’m also of the mindset that stress is what builds us. It’s what forms opinions, it creates compassion and empathy, and it provides ambition. So a world with no stress is my nightmare.
I’ve thought about the global community concept before, but…I just can’t imagine any way that would ever happen. While I don’t believe all people are inherently bad, I do believe some people are inherently bad, and other people are inherently followers. People will always judge and criticize others, and they’re just as likely to do it because you like TV show A more than TV show B, as they are to do it because of skin color or religion or gender.