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Simple Ways to stay focused in life

In today’s world, it is difficult to keep calm and stay focused in life. There is massive change in our lifestyle with the invention of new and modern technology. This is needless to say that we find it difficult to stay focused in whatever activity we do. In this article, let’s find some cool ways to deal with the fast paced life and stay focused in life to attain peace and happiness.

#1 Willpower

You heard it right. Willpower and attitude is indispensable to stay focused in life. This is no brainer and your indomitable will power can remove any obstacles you face in course of any work or activity. There is no substitute for willpower and positive attitude to successfully complete any task you are working on. You need to believe in yourself to attain that willpower to stay focused. Willpower is a virtue that can make you successful in any dire circumstances.

#2 Switch off your mobile internet

We cannot think of our life without our mobiles. Where ever we travel or at workplace, we cannot spend a minute or two without looking into our cell phone to check any message or WhatsApp messages. This is possibly the daily life of almost every people around the globe. This is probably the most important reason for all of us to get distracted in life. Just simply switch off the internet data on your phone when you are travelling or working. Once you turn off the internet data, life will be at so ease. If you are working on a laptop or computer, close unnecessary browsers/webpages/programs /apps on your computer. Only keep the ones you require for your task/work.You can only then focus on your task. Believe me, you do this for one day, and you see the difference in your life.

There is ample amount of time to look into your friends’ messages and chats throughout the day. Once you are back home from work , you can check those unread messages and rejuvenate yourself. But you should not make a habit of checking the mobile at work. It can impact your work and make you loose focus. Switching off the internet data in your mobile is the best way to stay focused at work.

Switching off the internet data in your mobile is the best way to stay focused at work. Click To Tweet

#3 Meditation and Yoga

Meditation and yoga is necessary to stay focused in life. Once we get up in the morning, our first task is to do 15- 30 mins of meditation or yoga or exercise. This will remove all the negativities from our mind and soul and stay focused throughout the day and can be the driving factor in our positive approach in our lives. It can not only help you focused in life but also regain your self confidence and belief.

stay focussed

#4 Prioritise your activities to stay focused

If we want to stay focus on our life, we need to prioritise our task and activities in a proper way. If you are disciplined in your approach, you don’t have to worry about focus. We sometimes mess our activities in our daily. We don’t know what to do next after certain task be in office or at home. Suppose in office you are inundated with task, if you have to stay focused you need to device your own formula to successfully complete your task and move on to the next one without creating any ruckus. That’s the reason proper time management and prioritising is very important. Drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated all the time. Take a small break after one hour of continuous work. May be 5-10 minute break and again back to work. You will see you are able to focus more and your productivity increases to greater extent.

#5 Get rid off negativity

What do we mean by negativity ? Negativity means anything that impacts on your life negatively. Avoid negative people , the people who always talk negative, the ones who doesn’t have any positive approach in life. Avoid negative locality. This is very crucial for your mental peace and happiness. If your environment is noisy , clumsy and dirty , you should not stay there. Find a new society within your city/town . Keep your house clean regularly. This is mandatory. Let the sunlight fall on your room and provide all the positive vibes required in life. You will see your level of concentration and focus will drastically increase in a matter of short time.

#6 Give time to yourself

In order to stay focused , you must give time to yourself. Ask yourself , how much time have you given yourself ? Have you explored your inner talents? what is your true life purpose ? When is the last time you went on a trip , have you taken care of your diet , when have you done proper exercise ? When have you read an interesting book last time ? Make a habit of reading books and newspapers rather than getting glued to the mobiles and television. Books are the still the best source of knowledge. Switch of your mobile before going to bed. Lights of mobiles are tremendous distractions and reduce our sleep. Read a good book before going to bed. Thus you can stay focused and your mind will be clear.

#7 Talk to your elders, family members

We should speak to our elders ,parents, mentors to get a solution when we are not able to focus. They have enough experience to share and their experience can be a motivation factor in our work, life activity. Never feel shy to call up your near and dear ones to get a quick solution as they often are the best counsellors in this situation.

#8 Keep your surroundings tidy

In order to focus in life, it is very important to keep your environment and surroundings neat and clean. It can be your home and office where ever you are working. Cleanliness creates purity in mind and refresh your mood. You must be motivated to clean your house. If your surroundings in office is untidy, inform the housekeeping staff of your office and if housekeeping unavailable, simply clean your desk and table by yourself. You don’t have to depend on anybody. Thus you can focus at your work.


Concentration and focus is very important in achieving success in any sphere of life. We all lack concentration and focus at work and the same time we bounce back and show your diligence at work. This can only be done by following a disciplined approach that can help you focus in life and stay relax in whatever situation you go through.

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Herah

    These are wonderful and useful tips! I could really use some, thanks for sharing! 🙂

    1. Jamie

      Thank you Herah

  2. Beth Elkassih

    Thank you for writing this blog. You are so right. It is easy to become ‘so addicted’ to our mobile phones and get distracted with all the ‘pings’ from social media. I think setting aside designated time during the day is all that is needed. This allows one to accomplish more.

    1. Jamie

      Absolutely Beth. Mobile phones are sometimes distracting. Glad you liked the article .

  3. Jaya Avendel

    Phones are the biggest distraction of all, often leaving friends to text each other over dinner. It does take willpower to stay focused, and I know how easy it is to goof off, but I love the feeling of accomplishment when I come away from a day having done what I set out to do with minimal distractions.

  4. AM

    I recently started putting the mobile phone down after a certain time. I turn off the Tv too to rest my mind.

  5. Zoe

    These were really helpful tips, I never thought to turn off my mobile data. I think that would be a huge help to stay focus. Thank you!!

  6. I find making time to ‘unplug’ is vital to my general wellbeing. I’m not so concerned by likes, etc but I find I can get drawn into spending too much time working as being connected via phone, etc means I’m never fully not at work. Great post!

  7. Margaret

    Thank you for the tips. I especially like in had not previously heard the tip about talking to your elders. I think that is something so very important that we tend to forget. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. Jamie

      Glad you liked the article Margaret. Thank you for stopping by.

  8. Steve

    Unplugging from all electronics is a must for focus and mental wellbeing! I’m so much happier when I get away from electronics and regain my focus.

    1. Jamie

      Absolutely Steve. Thank you for stopping by.

  9. Corinne

    Thanks for the great tips on how to stay focused in life. I must admit, I am pretty good at (#2) not looking at my phone often but I am always working on (#6) giving myself more time for self-care.

  10. Annelize

    I find my phone is definitely my biggest distraction – I cannot imagine what I would do without it tbh. Thank you for the great tips!

  11. Constance

    Nice posts, thank you so much for sharing. I find it difficult to stay away from my phone. Thanks for sharing this

  12. Some great tips here, thanks for sharing! I particularly like yoga and meditation and try to practice everyday.

  13. Shelly

    These are all true. The freedom in leaving my phone behind is priceless! Yoga and meditation have helped me in so many ways. I don’t compromise my time to myself. Thank you for putting these together!

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