Most of the successful people around the globe are early risers. There are lot of benefits of waking up early in the morning. There goes a saying.
Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Benjamin Franklin
I used to be a late riser as I used to stay up late at night. But once I started waking up early in the morning, I found the following benefits which had a great impact on my life and it had helped in so many ways.
Waking up early must be done with gratitude. You must be grateful to almighty and say a prayer that you are doing fine and fortunate to have a house and a family to live with. You can do meditation or any ritual with which you are comfortable to show your gratitude to God.
Waking up early increases productivity of a person. Even a lazy person if motivated and wakes up early in morning and tend to achieve goals throughout the day. As we all know early morning, when the surrounding , environment is calm, you can quickly complete and wrap up on your pending tasks without any disturbances or delay.
You will find the peace, serenity and calmness in the environmental surroundings in the early morning hours. The bliss of this ambience is a driving factor of your mental happiness and setting up new goals in life. There is no sound of vehicles, yelling of crowd missing and of course noise from shops/stores outside is missing which makes it so peaceful at early morning. If you wake up, you’ll realize that early morning time is probably the best time of a day and personally I feel comfortable in silent and peaceful environment.
This is no brainer that early rising will help you have your breakfast in time. Study says that lots of people often miss and neglect their breakfast. I find it weird that people give excuses of not having breakfast or skipping breakfast as they are getting late for work. If you wake up early, you’ll definitely feel motivated to have breakfast. Breaskfast is the most important meal of the day and you should not miss it if you want productive results throughout the day. Grab some snacks and a cup coffee and feel energised early morning. Breakfast will keep you healthy and give motivation to jump start on any task you will do in the day.
Exercise and creative tasks

Early morning exercises are the best to keep you in shape. Doing exercises or jogging keeps you fit and healthy and you can achieve this only if you wake up early morning. You can also do your writing tasks if you are a part-time writer, creative writer or managing your blog. Early morning hours time is best for writing.
Easy travel
There is no traffic in early hours. You don’t have to take short route or drive fast to reach office if you wake up early morning. You can reach your office or workplace without any hustle and can do important tasks for the day, schedule tasks and can arrange important meetings and most importantly staying focused at work.
Ways to become early riser
Set up alarm
Just simply take the old school way. No matter at what time you went to sleep, you are bound to get up if you set up an alarm right beside your bed. It is often seen, even after the alarm rings, you seem to look at the clock, shut down the alarm and think of staying in bed for another 10 minutes. That’s the laziness you must avoid and I suggest strictly get up from the bed once the alarm rings.
Don’t push yourself
It’s okay if you are not an early riser. Try to wake up earlier than your usual time even if it is 5 minutes or 10 minutes early. Do this continuously for a week. You’ll see the difference and you are on your way to wake up early.
Feel motivated to wake up early and utilize your time properly. Take your time and start getting up early.
I am definitely a morning person. I feel better throughout the day if I wake early. I like to take my time to have some coffee, sit with my thoughts, and eat a little something. Taking time to meditate and connect is also a great way to start things off on the right foot. Great post!
Great post! I’ve never been an early riser, but it’s something I truly think would change my life. I like the idea of implementing small changes to get to that point. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for this, I struggle to wake up early these days even if I set an alarm. I just purposely switch it off and sleep off again. It’s been a struggle waking up early and giving gratitude. After reading your post, I will consciously try to wake up early and be productive
I’m not a morning person at all, but I’m trying to get up earlier in the mornings. As you’ve said, I’m far more productive on days I manage to get up at a reasonable time!
Em x
I struggle with mornings so I found this useful. Many thanks!
I have always been an early riser. I am definitely most productive in the morning. I’m often up hours before anyone else in the house. When my kids were small, it gave me the opportunity to work out or just get stuff done before they woke up.
I love this, I’m slowly becoming a morning person and am loving seeing the benefits!
I have been an early riser for many years. It’s a great way to get in some “me time” before the rest of the household wakes up.
I would never class myself as a morning person but once I went on a fitness kick, I found the best time to workout at home was in the morning. So now I am an early riser and I absolutely love it.
I feel great for the whole day and really tired by the evening ready for another day.
My Mum was a very early riser and I never understood it, I totally get it now. Great post x
I’m definitely not an early riser, but I’ve always admired those that are – perhaps this is a nice little challenge for June…
I like waking up early as it gives me plenty of time to be productive. Sadly I’m not that good at it! I’m a natural night owl.
Some really goid points here. I’m always up early even though I’m more of a night person. I like getting up and getting on with stuff early though. And a peaceful early morning walk or run is always a great start to the day.
Great post! I’m slowly trying to get myself up earlier in the mornings to do my writings and practice more gratitude.
I love waking up early even without setting any alarm,
I can do so much more even if I don’t. It’s said- Morning,
golden morning..
I challenged myself to wake up 5:30am for about 10 days and I was more productive. However it is such a struggle since I’m not an early riser. I will try again waking up at least an hour earlier from my usual waking time.
I’ve discovered that I’m much better in the mornings than at any other time of the day… and yet, I continue to sleep in. Part of it is because I’m a teacher and I just finished out the school year and am feeling particularly lazy at this point. BUT, I realize how much more I get done and how much more grateful and motivated I am when I get up early. THANK YOU for this reminder! It’s exactly what I needed this morning!