It is absolutely normal to feel unmotivated and sad sometimes in life. We are humans governed by feelings and emotions. One cannot stay happy and motivated all the time. If someone is saying they never feel unmotivated, then he/she is lying for sure. We all struggle at some point of time, we also lack focus and inspiration and feel unmotivated. Sometimes the negativities in our lives and surroundings makes us feel hapless. As we all know life is an unpredictable exam and we must accept the fact that even strong people face pulverising situation at any phase of their lives. But that doesn’t mean, they are losers. It’s just that we need to accept the fact that not every time we will have the same energy and motivation and continue to stay focus with what we are doing in our lives.
Thus I can proudly say it’s absolutely fine to be unmotivated and lazy sometimes. That’s a temporary phase and you can bounce back to your normal phase pretty soon. We are using this term ‘motivation’ excessively now. People are showing up excuses to get motivation in their daily. They switch on to the youtubers, motivational speakers to find motivation. But it still surprises me on why the people goes gaga over the term motivation currently.
Yes, of course motivation is necessary but that doesn’t mean some random people or friend will motivate me when I am lacking motivation. Of course people have numerous problems: relationship problem, financial problem, work problem, family problem and the list goes on. That doesn’t mean having motivation will solve every life problems. Life is full of challenges and we have to face them with confidence. Enlightening a dull state of mind is what we should seek for and that is motivation for me. Sometimes we often need this motivation to kick in to complete a random daily task. We got to do or follow something to have the motivation adrenaline keep flowing and boosting our minds enabling to move on with the task.

Even if we are doing tasks out of motivation, it cannot be an excuse for us to skip the task. You don’t have to listen to some song to find motivation, you don’t have to watch a TV show to find motivation or you don’t have to find someone who can motivate you. We often lose motivation when we have too much work, stress or lack of passion in some activity or task.
Thus when we lack motivation, we feel our worlds turned upside down and there is no hope in life. But this is utter nonsense. You don’t need some book or somebody or some talk show to instil motivation within you. When you are unmotivated, simply relax and take deep breath. Go for a 5 minute meditation and you will be back on track. Besides I am giving he following ways by which you will never get unmotivated in life.
Make a routine
If you have a routine in place, then you’d have no excuse to finish any task. The routine can be planner which mentions all your daily tasks – work, breakfast, dinner, leisure time. You will always be ready at your working zone without any delay. In this case, almost every time you know that you are productive. Thus you don’t have to follow motivation steps. A simple planner can make you productive. It’s absolutely fine to relax once in a while and that is not due to lack of motivation. It ‘s just having a positive mindset to achieve any kind of task at any given time at any day.
Don’t be Overwhelmed
We are often overwhelmed when we try to achieve some unknown task or any activity. It is a natural emotional uncanny fear which comes to us when we find unknown challenges or a difficult and humongous task activity. This happens when there are several things involved to complete a particular task and at the same time you are going for the task or will go for the task in future. Thus overwhelming can be detrimental attribute in completing any specific task and we often get stuck in emotional fears to conquer/finish the activity.
Taking action

Thinking too much often creates confusion. I’ll do this, I’ll do that often leads to utter chaos in mind and you don’t proceed thinking you might fail. Thus work and act. It’s okay to stumble in the beginning but that’s the way, success story starts. The biggest barrier in driving motivation is you yourself. You gotta jump into your task without thinking too much.
Staying motivated is not a big deal. It all depends on your will power, positive mindset and effort to stay focused and motivated at same time. Don’t worry when you lack motivation and it’s perfectly fine.
Sometimes it is hard to get motivated life can be so overwhelming at times. But making a routine is a great idea I will start applying it for whenever I may feel down.
Thank you for this post, this is exactly what I needed at this point in time. Staying motivated all the time is exhausting and overwhelming. It’s always a good idea to take a break
Thank you for this insightful and encouraging post. Sometimes, I find it hard to stay motivated when facing discouragement or when going through something. I know it’s temporary, but there are times when I just want to take things easy. Of course, it all depends on your mindset. 🙂
I have felt this so deeply the last several months, with the pandemic and all. I think it was in part because everything seemed so extremely important, and also unimportant all at the same time. And without “going to” work, I didn’t really have a set routine. Thank you so much for this great post! I needed to read this today!
Thank you Diane for stopping by. Glad to know you liked the article.