In life we go after our big dreams and crave for luxurious belongings. But in course of achieving the dreams, we miss the simple pleasures and happiness of life. The simple pleasures of life is often found in simple activities we do in daily life. We just forget about them. When we do these activities, it makes us feel happy and blessed. Whenever we have time or not, if we do some of these small but simple activities, our faces shine with happiness. We thus realize life is not only about achieving dreams, aspiration, goals but there’s more to it and that can be found in doing the simple activities. The List of simple activities for simple pleasures of life which you can’t afford to miss is given below.
#1 Simple pleasures of life – Dance like nobody is watching you
Even if you are not a dancer or a stage performer, you like to dance when nobody is around. You may be shy to dance in front of others but you like to dance. Thus when you are alone in your house, put on good music and dance like nobody is watching you and dance like crazy. You’ll definitely feel good about it.
#2 Conversation with a good friend
In this fast paced world, we forget about our old friends. It always feels good to call an old friend and have a great conversation.
#3 Watching your favorite movie scenes on you tube/Netflix
We can find simple pleasures of life by watching our favorite scenes of any movie or TV shows. At least I find it very pleasing to watch the same comic scenes of movies which I may have seen several times. That’s the beauty of it.
#4 Cooking your favorite food
We forget to cook food. We are so busy in our daily lives that we order foods through online apps. But in spite of knowing the art of cooking, we don’t cook. Thus you must cook your favorite dish whenever you have time and realize you culinary skills.
#5 Sudden unplanned road-trip with your best friends
Sudden unplanned road trip with your best buddies can be an adventure of a life time. No planning required, you just need to have great friends who are willing to travel with you at any time of a day.

#6 Listening to music in your car
Who doesn’t like music? Everyone does. It’s just that you need to find some time to listen to music and the best time is listening to music in car. Driving a car becomes boring if you don’t turn on the music. Don’t play loud music while driving but a soft music is good enough to find motivation in driving long distance.
#7 Buying your favorite candy which you had long back in your childhood days
I don’t know how many of you yearn for the candy you had in childhood. Now we have so many varieties of chocolates, candy but I miss my childhood candy. If I find them, it brings smile on my face.
#8 Meeting your school teachers whom you have not met since graduation
Pay a visit to your old school , college teachers who had shaped the way you are today. Thank them in person and tell them how grateful you are to them for providing the quality education.
#9 Greeting random strangers while on jogging
Greet random strangers during morning walk and they will greet you in return.
#10 Farting when nobody is around
This is funny. Who doesn’t fart? Every human beings and animals does. It’s a bodily phenomenon which can happen anytime and we feel ashamed to fart in front of somebody. Thus farting anywhere when nobody is around us gives a great sense of satisfaction and stress release.
#11 Walking in a crowded street
How many times you have been in a crowded street? Walk in a crowded street and the environment will make you feel that you have so many amazing but different people around you who are speaking in different languages and wearing different clothes.
#12 Barefoot walking on a grassland/seashore
Barefoot walking is good for health and if you are walking in a grassland then it’s more healthy. Frequently walk barefoot in the grassland areas near your home.

#13 Playing soccer in a muddy field while it’s raining
There is no greater sense of excitement and fun when you are playing soccer with your friends in a muddy field and that also in a rainy season..
#14 Doing yoga when feeling stressed
Yoga and form of meditation relieves you from stress and anxiety. You should try to do yoga or meditation one or two times a day.
#15 Reading your favorite book multiple times.
I am pretty sure we all have our favorite books stocked in our bookshelves. But how many of you read your favorite story books multiple times. At least I have many favorite books which I read whenever I feel bored. The dialogues from my favorite characters make my day happening.
#16 Watching Sunrise

I know this might be tough for most of us. At least for me, but waking up early and watching the sunrise gives a surreal feeling. I try to wake up early once in a while and felt that way.
#17 Watching sunset
Just like sunrise, sunset view is also amazing and if you have time in evening , you can visit your nearest sea beach and watch the sunset.
#18 Running on the beach

Running on beach during sunrise or sunset is good for our body, mind and soul.
#19 Feel lazy on Sundays
Who doesn’t like to feel lazy during Sundays? I generally get up late at Sunday, mostly during afternoon and then start my day.

#19 Cleaning your messy house
Some parts of our house remains a mess and we neglect them. You must clean your house regularly and after cleaning your house you’ll realize what a great job you did. But you need to have the motivation to clean your messy house in the first place.
#20 Telling nonsensical jokes to your friends
You crack nonsensical joke to your friends and make them laugh.
#21 Laughing at your friends’ jokes
The feeling when you try to laugh at your friend’s lame jokes. It’s just to make him happy that you understand the poor joke but actually you haven’t got the joke or its a lame joke.
#22 Meeting up an old friend whom you are meeting after decades
Try to meet up an old friend whom you have not met for long time. He/she can be your room-mate/colleague/school friend. You won’t regret. Rejuvenate the good old memories you guys share.
#23 Help a random guy
Helping a random guy is one of the best ways to find simple pleasures of life. It’s not about how much money you donate, it’s about your noble cause that matters.
#24 Tip your driver
Don’t forget to tip your driver once in a while if you feel the driver is well behaved and disciplined.
#25 Watch a movie with popcorn in weekends
We all wait for the weekends to watch a movie in Netflix or you tube or visiting a theater with pop corn and that’s a great feeling.
#26 Entertain your friends
It doesn’t matter if you are not an entertainer, it’s your effort to make your friends entertained and that’s what matters. If you are able to bring smile and laugh on their faces, you will have that satisfaction.
#26 Watching the stars at night
Watching the stars and moon give a vicarious thrill and excitement and I frequently watch the sky at night wondering of the amazing universe surrounding us.
#27 Making a paper-boat and watch it floating in water
Making paper boats is one of my favorite childhood activities and I still make paper boats in my past time.
#28 Hugging your loved ones
Hug your loved ones whenever you meet them in person.
#28 Dancing in the rain
Simple pleasures of life is dancing in the rain. This sounds crazy but once in a while is absolutely okay.
#30 Fresh baked cake and pudding
Bake a cake or cookie when you feel of having a cake. I know we are too lazy to bake a cake but do the activity once in a while and you’ll feel about it.
#31 Watching the animals and birds
When you have no work, simply listen to the sounds made by the animals and birds around you. Try to find happiness and peace of mind in listening to the small sound of nature and animals.
#32 Helping your spouse with the dishes everyday
Help your spouse with cleaning dishes and make it a habit. Your spouse will definitely be pleased with you.
#33 Cook the favorite dish of your spouse
You spouse might have cooked for you for years your favorite dishes. How often have you cooked for your spouse? If you have not, go and cook her/his favorite dish right now and you see the reaction of your spouse.
#34 Feeling that you are doing good in workplace
When you see that you are doing good in office, being appreciated by your boss, that is a great feeling and every employees try to achieve that sense of feeling.
#35 Watching your salary increase
When you suddenly see your salary is increasing after year end, that gives immense pleasure and happiness.
#36 Keeping control of expenditure and decrease in debt
When you realize that you have kept your expenditure within limits and your debts are decreasing, that gives you tremendous sense of relief.
#37 Chatting with your partner, friend all night
The feeling when all of a sudden you got into a big discussion with your friend, partner, wife, husband or parent without realizing you are chatting with them for over five to six hours. This is simple but one of the simple pleasures of life you can get.
#38 Watching your favorite sports with friends
Happiness is when you call your friends to your place and watch your favorite sport together. The same when you accompany your friends to watch the match in a sports venue.
#39 Your facial expression the moment your favorite team wins
Your facial expression when your favorite wins the game, capture the moment and cherish them in future.
#40 Achieving fitness goals
Career goals are the not only goals. Some desire fitness and healthy body. So if you are into fitness goals and achieve them by doing exercise and following strict diet and healthy regime, you will have the sense of satisfaction.
#41 Seeing empty email inbox during office hours
Simple pleasures of life is when you see empty email inbox during office hours. For the moment, that feeling is really good when you expect lot of work and tasks in email but you haven’t received.
#42 Writing on a paper with a new pen
People are forgetting to write on paper now a days. Our childhood is spent on writing on piece of paper with a pen. We used to flaunt the pen and now people are so much into digital world they forgot to use the pen. Writing with a pen is a great feeling and you must write something on paper everyday.
#43 Coffee
Having coffee after busy work takes off pressure and it really gives us the energy to work long hours.
#44 Simple pleasures of life – the smell of the rainy breeze
I like the smell of the rainy breeze. Just before raining, the smell of the breeze really makes me feel excited and I cherish the moment.
#45 The smell of the fresh coconut water you are having in a sea beach
Whenever we are roaming in a sea beach, we are engrossed in the sight seeing of the ocean, weather, sunrise, sunset but I crave for fresh coconut water and even more I like the smell of fresh coconut water.

#46 Fighting with your partner/friend for your favorite TV show
When you fight for your favorite game/show with your spouse or friends, that moment should also be cherished. It is quite natural to have arguments while watching television. But these are the moments you will cherish in future.
#47 Watching your kids playing
$48 Chocolate and ice-cream
Sneaking at late night in the kitchen to have an ice-scream scoop and some chocolate. Try this.
#49 Taking a hot bath
Taking a hot bath in winter weather is always charming.
#50 Swimming at night
This might be a bit weird especially if it is a winter season. But swimming at night is fun and I suggest swim during summer time so you will not catch cold.
#51 Be kind to poor people
Have a compassionate heart, not everyone in the world is privileged liked you. Be kind to the poor people.
#52 Helping a handicapped person/old person crossing a street
Whenever you see a disabled person or an old person trying to cross a street, help them to cross the street. You’ll feel good about and most importantly you will get their blessings.
#53 Singing loud when taking bath
I am a bathroom singer. I always sing when I take a shower. This is also one of the very few moments I cherish through out the day. How many of you sing while taking bath?
#54 Talking to oneself looking at the mirror
I know this may sound crazy. But believe me, talking to oneself by looking the mirror is always cool. It gives you the swagger and also sometimes helps in your communication skills when you are learning a new language.
#55 Frequent visit to your parent’s house
Visit your parents frequently if they stay in a different town/city. Your parents miss you and you must not forget about them even when you are busy in your professional life. Visit them, help them in household activities and make good food for them.
#56 Eat mindfully
Eating peacefully is also a great way to enjoy the simplicity of life. Lots of people often eat in a rush missing the pleasure of breakfast, lunch or dinner. We have seen people having food while working, watching television or while playing games. You should not eat while doing activities. Eating itself is an activity and while eating you should not be doing any other tasks/activity. Food is the first and foremost basic need of humans. So enjoy your meal without any interruption
#57 Laughing loudly
Laughing is the best medicine for all ages. We should laugh once in a while for no reason and it may sound funny but yes, we must laugh loudly whenever we are stressed or just for the sake of relieving stress and having fun.
#58 Connect with the nature
One way to connect with the nature is by meditating during early morning in a park or playground. You will feel that beatific bliss and get the positive vibes and energy that will motivate you through out the day at work and any kinds of activity.
I am pretty sure you already follow some of these mentioned here and if I missed any fun activity you can mention in the comments.
What an great list! Thanks for the great reminder to be present in all of our activities and to be grateful for the small beauty in life.
All great things. On my 30th Bday, I went for an early morning Jog and noticed the sun rising towards the end. Instead of rushing home to shower, I sat by the bench and slowly watched it come up. So peaceful and beautiful. Perfect way to start my day. The little things in life can seem so abstract at the moment but they’re definitely the memories I treasure most.
Yeah that’s so true. We must treasure those little things in life as you rightly said. Thank you Thomas for stopping by.
Jamie, that was nice list of things to enjoy the real world and see the flavour of being a human.
Really amazing 😍😍
Wow, you listed everything!!! I literally laughed about the farting when alone. And nothing beats writing with a new pen! Great post!
He he he! Glad you liked the post Sarah.
Great tips. Each step will get you closer to the harmony.
These are some great tips! It’s important to stay in the moment, plus these tips can help you be/stay positive which has so many more benefits!
Its the simple things in life that make us happy or even laugh heartily! Dancing like crazy is one, unplanned road trips, relaxing in the beach and spending time with crazy friends is a therapy. We should do these simple things more often!