We all know Mondays are boring for anyone of us whether students or working professionals. I am saying Monday as working day starts on Monday in most of the countries We always feel that 2 days weekend(viz Saturday and Sunday) not enough. So I am listing the 3 things to make a great start in the first day of week.

#1 Sleep early on Sunday night
Party hard on Friday, Saturday or whatever mind refreshing activities you do . But Sunday should be a relaxing day. Spend time with your family, watch movies and sleep early before 10 pm. By this you can wake up early with full energy and ready to deliver in whatever task you are to undertake on Monday.
#2 Greet older People
Greet old people and take their blessings before starting for work or going to school, colleges. I may sound old school but believe me ,blessings from elders are always required to prosper in life. We hardly think of old people. They have seen more struggles in life, success, failure and everything than what we have faced so far . So if you get blessings from them, definitely you will be rewarded by God in some point of life. So don’t forget to take blessing from elders. It can be your parents, siblings, neighbour, janitor, shopkeeper whoever you know. One warm greeting is enough to make them smile and you will feel so good about it.
#3 Stop Overthinking
Don’t think too much . You need to stop overthinking. In life, we ponder too much regarding frivolous matters which makes no sense , but still we think. We should be spontaneous sometimes and that is absolutely fine. We think how will I complete my task, will my boss be less strict today ?Just duck out those thoughts and act impromptu whatever task given to you. Remember , a little bit of impulsiveness and spontaneous reaction gives your action a better result . It takes out the best from you to deliver.
Thus following the above three steps, we can give an amazing start on the first day of the week and you will carry this momentum till the end of the week and this will be your new comfort zone thus enabling you to excel in your task throughout your life.
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