It’s always challenging to write a perfect start of a story. A strong opening sentence can entice the readers from line one. It can be for the opening paragraph. So it’s always important for an author to start with a strong opening sentence to hook the readers. In this article, I will discuss various strategies on how to start your story with awesome beginning strategies..
#1 Great Story openings begin with background definition
You must be knowing clearly the background environment of your story. Does your story begin in a desert /marooned island/ space /ocean /apocalyptic world? Overall the author must be aware of the background setting of the story before starting the actual writing process
#2 Start with a great narration
Another way of starting your story can be a strong narration by the protagonist . Strong narrative gives reader to imagine hard about the situation the protagonist is going through., It can be recalling past memories, good or bad. A great narration acts a catalyst to make your readers glued to your book.
#3 Have clear idea regarding your fictional world while starting your story
All authors have their own interpretation of the fictional world. You must be knowing clearly your fictional setting of your story if you are writing fiction. Regarding fantasy fiction – you must know your fictional characters well enough before penning down their characters. A strong idea of the fictional character, plot and setting is indispensable requirement before starting then story.

#4 Write your synopsis before starting your story
It is often seen author write the synopsis after writing the entire manuscript. It is very difficult to write synopsis if you have already written the manuscript. You need to condense the entire manuscript into a mere 500 -100 word synopsis. Therefore, you are sure to miss important points. Thus while starting a story it is imperative to write the synopsis first before penning down the manuscript.
#5 Define the title of your story
It is always helpful when you have a title in mind for your story. The title may not be necessarily the final one. Always keep in mind the title of the story should be catch. Spend some time to find the perfect title for your story. You can always change anytime before or after completion of your story. But a tentative title name can give you a direction to your story writing. It can guide you and mould you into the story characters while writing the story.
#6 Write from your soul
When you start writing , write from your soul and visual imagination. If you want to be the author you aspire to be , you got to be original. Originality in writing comes right from the heart .When you write, you need to believe your writing skills and pen down.
There are many ways to take care before starting your story. You may have your own ways but you need to feel inspired to write . Get inspiration and keep writing.
Really useful post. I dream of writing a book one day. I know I can write but can I make a story? I will be remembering these tips if the time ever comes x x
Great article – some really good tips! Starting is often the hardest part.
I never heard about writing the synopsis before the book but that makes so much sense! I’ll keep it in mine for my next WIP.
Ash |
These tips definitely come in handy for someone who has has writers’ block like me currently. Thanks for sharing!
Great read Jim! The tips are helpful!
These are some really great tips! I have always wanted to write a novel but always stumble when it comes to pulling my ideas together
Really great informations here. Well done!