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Stop Expecting from People Around You

As the topic says, stop expecting from people around you. This is a harsh truth. Humans are driven by emotions and expectations in all phases of life. This is quite natural and if we have no expectations in life, then for what we are on this planet ? But there is a big difference between expecting from life and expecting from people around us. Expecting from life is what we strive for and expecting from people is what we count/vouch for. Thus it is often found when we don’t meet our expectations from the people around, we feel frustrated and blame them.

Remember no one is perfect, every person in this world is unique. Even though they might be your friends, your colleagues, neighbours but they are different. Thus if we want to be happier in life, then stop expecting the following things from people around you. Believe me your life will be better.

#1 Accolades and Appreciations

Who doesn’t need appreciation? We all want to be praised, appreciated everywhere. It gives motivation, confidence and self esteem. But not every time, we get appreciation. We feel we deserve appreciation and that’s natural whether you have done a great job or being a great friend to your friends or whatever may be the reason. When you don’t receive appreciation, you think your world has fallen apart. Don’t try to do something just to get appreciation in return. The only thing you must do is to appreciate yourself for the hard word you always put in your task. You don’t need anybody’s appreciation to feel good. If you know, you are doing great job, then you don’t need anybody’s feedback.

#2 Stop expecting to be always surrounded by friends

We always feel good when we are surrounded by friends or whenever we are within our social circle. Friends are necessary in life but not that you need to be with them frequently. If you are a student, you are always surrounded by friends and that’s fine. But when you are a working professional, you should focus on your work and future aspiration. Friends are there for you but that does not mean you have to visit them every alternate day.

You can definitely meet them occasionally. If you have crossed your college life, now is the actual time to grow your career and aspiration and give yourself the space you need to reach your full potential. Now is also the time to identify the real friends from fake friends and strictly avoid those fake friends who can be big distractions in life. Only few great friends can also be your guiding light to your career and aspiration.

#3 Unrealistic expectations

The biggest problem in human life arrives when one becomes too much ambitious. When a person tries to achieve some unrealistic goals, then most of the times he/she will repent in future. If a person goes beyond his physical, mental strength and endurance then the final result often becomes callous for the person. It’s not that ambitions are bad. Every man/woman is entitled to be ambitious or achieve certain dreams. But those ambitions should be pragmatic. If your dream is beyond your capability, you must ask yourself right in the first place that if your dream feasible enough to achieve?

Do you have the potential skills to be successful in certain field you wish to be successful? Do you have the stamina to sustain the pain, endurance to achieve your goal? If not,then just move on in life. There are always choices in life. If you feel that you can’t fulfil your dream or expectation, there’s nothing to be worried. Life offers multiple opportunity. You must set for a new dream and new goal if you think you can achieve by your capabiltity. Thus never set unrealistic expectations in life. You will see life will be much easier and better.

#4 Stop expecting people to think the same way as you think

Every human in this planet is unique. Everyone thinks differently. Thus don’t expect your friend, colleagues and people you meet in life will think the same way as you think. It’s quite natural to think the friends with whom you have studied in school, colleges will think in the same way but try to understand that if you guys are discussing some mathematical problem, then you and your friends will definitely think the solution same way. But if you guys are discussing something else other than education, say for examples general knowledge, entertainment, fashion or any fields around the globe, then definitely you all will have differenct perspective and viewpoints altogether. That does not determine the intelligence of any person. Thus to avoid altercation during friendly discussions related to anything, don’t expect everyone to think at the same level you think.

To have a fruitful discussion, you got to communicate with everyone around you effectively. You got to let them know what you’re thinking. You might have seen that sometimes the best friends argue and disagree on some topic of discussion. Never fight or argue just because your friend or the people around you is having a different opinion. Without disagreement, new innovative thought processes would not have evolved and we wouldn’t have the modern technologies, inventions, luxuries in our lives if people didn’t give new solutions to problems.

#5 Stop expecting to have solution to every life problems

Life is full of challenges, ups and downs all the way. Problems will always be there. We got to face the problem for sure. Sometimes we solve the problem on our own, sometimes we can’t. Unable to solve or eliminate a problem does not demean you. For that, we need to get help from our parents, seniors, gurus, friends whatever. We are humans. We are bound to make mistakes in life. Keep aside your ego and reach for help and support. You will see the world is a beautiful place. There are so many people o help you out. If your friend or parents not available during the time of your need, reach for support community service or visit a therapist.

#6 Stop expecting your friend to be the same person

We always expect our friend to be the same fun loving person as we have know him/her before. We crave to rejuvenate those funny childhood moments when ever we meet and we expect them to behave the same way. But the fact is that as time passes, persons’ mind and behaviour change. We have no control over that. I am not saying the person’s new outlook or behaviour is bad or not likeable. But you got to understand his lifestyle might have gone through drastic changes.

He may be a rich man now having a different lifestyle than yours. It doesn’t mean he is neglecting you or behaving in a weird manner. He can also be leading a frugal life completely different than yours. When you ask him to meet someday, he may be shy in meeting you and may not answer your call. That doesn’t mean he is a different person. It’s just that circumstances and life experiences can change a person’s attitude towards friendship. So don’t expect your friends to be the same person you have known them before. They may still be good at heart, thinking for your well being.

#7 Should not expect the people around you to be flawless

Just try to think of yourself. Are you an ideal person? Haven’t you made mistakes in life? I am sure everyone makes mistakes in life. Even if you may be a university topper, you may be big executive or a celebrity, you must have made some mistakes or other. You may have argued with your friend for no reason and broken your friendship, you may have neglected your parents in time of their need, your relationship may have suffered and might be many more. Thus learn to accept people’s mistakes and let them learn from them just as you have learnt from your mistakes.

#8 Stop expecting things to be messy around you

This is for those pessismistic people who always thinks negatively, who thinks that whatever they will do, they will fail and everything seems to be complete mess around them. My dear friends, life gives equal opportunities to everyone. Just like days comes after night, happiness after sadness, sunshine after rainfall, life’s mess will also be eliminated if you believe in yourself that you can overcome difficulties in life. Thus stop expecting things to be messy around you.


If there are any more points you want to share we need to stop expecting, feel free to comment.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Kaci

    Great list! I’d like to think that I don’t expect much from people around me. Reading your list though I realize I’m kinda big on expecting praise from people. Just a thank you to keep me going. I’ll have to work on that about myself!

    Thanks for sharing, great list

    1. Jamie

      Glad to know you find this article helpful. Thank you Kaci for stopping by.

  2. Tsvetty

    A very well thought out list! I think I definitely have some unrealistic expectations of others because I have unrealistic expectations of myself so I project them. This was a great reminder to check-in with those thoughts and fine-tune them. Thank you!

    1. Jamie

      Thank you Tsvetty. Yes fine tuning expectations is necessary as you rightly mentioned.

  3. Cassie

    Yes! I used to expect so much from other people, and try to earn what I expected. It’s a viscous cycle. Once I stopped having certain expectations of people I became much happier.

    1. Jamie

      Staying happy is most important. Thank you Cassie for stopping by.

  4. Neecee B

    A bit of reality is always needed. Instagram lives of always fire pit nights surrounded by friends isn’t in the cards everyday. Lol great content.

  5. Love this, especially to not expect people to think the same way! It’s so difficult for us all to imagine someone might see things differently, which is fine, but you should still prepare for it!

  6. Money expectations

    So many times we expect others to follow the manual we have set up for them without even telling them.

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